Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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As Jack began to stir, Sam straddled his body and gazed down

at him. “So, how was it?”
He looked confusingly up at her. “Um, whathappened?” “You don’t know?” she said, as she slowly laid down next to

“I’m sorry. My head feels like it weighs a ton,” he rolled over
and looked at her.
“You probably drank too much. It was … to say the least,
incredible,” she said.
“You are so beautiful. You were amazing, you know that.” “Oh, sonowyou remember?” she grinned.
“Oh, yeah, I remember,” he said, as he ran his hands down her
body. “I take it you enjoyed yourself, too.”
“Definitely,” she leaned over and kissed him. “Um, we’ve been
making love forhoursand I’m kind of tired.”
“I understand,” he said, as he slowly sat up. “I should get
dressed and go.”
“Oh, youcan’tstay?” she asked.
“No, sorry. Someday, I may be able to stay.”
“Um, Jack, wheredoesthis leave us?”’
“What do you mean?” he asked, as he put on his pants. “You and me. Was this it? Do I still work for you? Do I still
sleep with you or was this the end?” she asked, as she got out of bed and
put on her robe.
“This,Allure, was only the beginning.”
“Why do you keep calling methat?”
“Allure,” she sighed.
“Youknowwhy, even if youwon’tadmit it,” he smiled. “Allure,
you are better thanever. I thought what you did for me at the office was
great, but I feel so … well, wonderful. Better than I have in a long, long
Sam walked over to him and helped him button his shirt. “How
long has it been for you?”
“Not long, but the sex was never this good. My head is so foggy,
you made one hell of an impression on me,” he kissed her softly. “I’m glad. So, when do I see you again?”
“Stop by the bar tomorrow. I want to keep seeing you,bothfor
business and for pleasure,” he said.
“Until then,” she said, as he walked out of the room. She watched as he left the penthouse. She opened the briefcase
and pulled out all the money. She hurried to the safe in the bedroom and
put it inside.
Parker walked into the room. “So, he fell for it?”
“Yeah, he said it was the best sex he ever had,” she laughed
“I told you it would work,” he smiled.
“Now, I need a shower and I want those sheets changed or
burned or whatever,” she said.
“Consider it done. Go take your shower.”
She closed the safe and looked at him. “I’m sorry.” “I told you, don’t apologize,” he grinned.
“I just don’t know if I can keep drugging him. He thinks because
his head was foggy that I did that to him because ofgreatsex.” “Well, you do that tome,” he said.
“I’m taking a shower. Maybe you can figure out how I can not
sleep with him the next time,” she laughed, as she headed out of the
“Oh, I’ll make sure you never have to sleep with him again,” he
whispered, as he started removing the blankets and sheets from the bed.
He bundled them up and put them in a garbage bag.