Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Back Shot

Sam looked up from the table as Jack joined her. “You let

him go?”
“He’ll be working at the bar as the bartender. It was that or be
killed,” he smiled.
“Oh, well, all right,” she said.
“Let’s concentrate on us. I want us to do it right.”
“So, what do we do first?”
“Well, I’d like your help designing the bar. You’re the one with
all the ideas. I already made some calls and they’re clearing the debris
out now.”
“Yes, Samantha, we’re in this together. I hope you don’t mind
that I hired him.”
“No,youcan deal with him mostly, though,right?”
“Yes, don’t worry. If he bothers you, I’ll take care of my brother
once and for all.”
“I appreciate it. I feel like I can finally take a breath. These past
few months, I’ve been lost and betrayed. I guess it’s still hard to believe
that we’re together again. I missed you and now, you’re back in my life.” “It’s all right. I understand. This is new to me, too. We’re both
changing our lives. It’s a big step. We’ll do it together.”
“It’s a whole new life and I guess I’m a little afraid.” “Of what?”
“What will happen? I don’t want our lives to become uneventful
because of our so-called new life and I don’t want our old lives to come
back and haunt us.”
“Well, let’s do it this way. We’ll plan the bar and plan our new
home, and then you and I will take a vacation. Some place where we can
be alone with no worries and just get to know each other all over again.
We can talk or just sit and hold each other. Whatever we want to do. I
want to know who you are right now.”
“I’d like that. We could go to my cabin, unless you don’t want to
because I was there with Parker.”
“I heard you taught him how to shoot again,” he sighed. “Yes. I didn’t realize it was a mistake.”
“It’s not a mistake.”
“It was. He shot Luke.”
“I’m sure Luke is all right now. Speaking of Luke, I’d like to get
to know your best friend. I also would like to finally meet Dylan.” “Oh, did you call? He’s all right, isn’t he?”
“Yes, he is. How bad is he?”
“He doesn’t do much except stare out the window. He knows
when I’m there, though.”
“Good. You should go see him.”
“I probably should. Maybe I’ll do that today. I just hope that
Parker doesn’t follow me.”
“I have a man watching him.”
“Oh, that Lloyd person…”
“He’s beendealtwith. I am sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she kissed his cheek. “I need to grab my bag and
then I’ll head to see Dylan. Soon, I’ll bring you to meet him.” “I’d like that,” he said.
She headed up the stairs and grabbed her bag. She hurried down
the stairs and out the front door. As she was getting into her car, she
heard a click from behind her …bang!
She dropped to the ground as Jack ran out to the driveway. He
stared at his brother as he rushed to her side. “Samantha?” he wept as he
held her body.
She looked up at him. “My back, he got me in the back,” she
Jack looked up at his man. “Lionel, take him and call an
“Yes, sir,” he said.
Jack held pressure on her back while he held her close. “Don’t
leave me. Please, don’t leave me. I finally got you back.”
“It hurts,” she cried. “I can’t… catch… my… breath.” “I know. I’ll take care of you. Where thehellis that ambulance?”
he cried, as the sirens sounded in the distance.
The EMTs rushed over to her and took her out of Jack’s arms.
“Take care of her,” Jack said.
“We will, sir. We’re bringing her to Mercy General.” “I’ll be right there. Oh, please call a Captain Lucas Ford. He’s a
captain of computer crimes at the 46thprecinct. He needs to be there.” “Yes, sir,” he said, as they loaded the gurney into the ambulance. Jack walked into his house. “Lionel? Where is he?” “In the tea room.”
“Give me your gun,” he said.
“He shot her.No onehurts her,” he said, as he took the gun out
of Lionel’s hands. He stormed into the tea room and glared at his
brother. He aimed the gun at him.
Parker looked up at him. “I didn’tmeanto shoot her,” he said. “Liar. You can’t have her, so you kill her?”
“She’s dead?”
“Yes, you killed her. You killed the one woman I ever loved.
You are going to die now.”
“Please, don’t kill me. Please, don’t…”
He aimed, fired, and left the room. Jack walked out into the
hallway. “Make sure no one goes in there.”
“Is he dead, sir?” Lionel asked.
“No, but I’m sure hewisheshe were. I’ll be at the hospital.” “All right, sir. I hope she gets better.”
“So do I,” Jack said. “Oh, you better get my brother a towel, and
call Dr. Edmonds. He’ll know how to help my brother.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Samantha will deal with Parker later. I will be at the
hospital,” Jack hurried out to his car and drove away.