Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Jack rushed down the hallway. “Where is Samantha Lange?”

he asked the nurse.
“She’s in with the doctor. You can wait in the waiting room with
her friend.”
He headed into the waiting room and looked at Luke. “Any
“No, what the hell happened?”
“Parker shot her in the back. She was leaving to go see Dylan.” “I came from seeing him. He’s all right. He’s been asking for
“Damn. I should’ve went with her.”
“Don’t blame yourself. She needs us to both be strong for her.
You do really love her, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do. I’m changing my life for her and she’s doing the
same for me. I let her go once and I won’t do that again.”
“Did youkillhim?”
“No, just made himsuffer,” Jack buried his face in his hands. “She’s strong,” Luke said, as the doctor walked into the room.
The two men stood up.
“Are you two with Samantha?”
“Yes, how is she?” Jack asked.
“We’re taking her up to surgery. The bullet punctured her lung,
but she’s strong and healthy. Is she on any medication?”
“Um, she was put on antibiotics a few weeks ago,” Luke said. “Right. I saw her chart. She injured her stomach,” he said. “She wasraped…” Luke said, as he shifted his eyes towards Jack. “That’s not what the chart says. Oh, I see, yeah, she refused the
rape kit … hmm, all right. I understand now,” he said.
“What is it?” Jack asked.
“Please, tell us,” Luke said.
“She told the doctor it was rough sex but to keep it quiet. Oh,
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Was itrape?” Jack gulped.
“I don’t know. I only know what the chart says. You’ll get a
chance to talk to Samantha before she goes upstairs. Follow me,” he
Jack looked at Luke. “I know that I hurt her. I won’t ever do
that again. I was so wrong and I’m going to make it up to her.” “Did she make love to you?”
“Yes, beautifully.”
“Then she forgave you. But, she told me that itwasn’trape. Yes,
she said you hurt her, but shewasn’ttalking about that,” he said. “Come
on. Let’s go.”
They headed down the hall and walked into her room. She
smiled lightly at her two favorite men. “I’ll be fine,” she whispered. “I know you will,” Jack kissed her cheek. “You need to focus on
healing so we can move ahead with the plans.”
“Don’t wait for me. Just do it. I trust you.”
“I love you, Allure. Please, just get better.”
“I will. You didn’t kill him, did you?”
“No, but Ididshoot him.”
“Where he’llneverhave another lover again,” he said. “Good,” she said, as the orderlies walked into the room,
followed by the doctor.
“She’ll be in surgery for a few hours and then in recovery. Once
she’s brought to her room, I’ll let you know and you can be with her
“Thank you, Doctor,” Jack said, as they wheeled her out of the
Jack looked at Luke. “Are you staying?”
“Yeah, just until I know she’s out of surgery and is fine.” “I have to do something, but I’ll be back.”
“Whatareyour plans?”
“We’re becoming partners in the bar,” he said. “Please, call me if
you hear anything before I return.”
“I will,” Luke said, as he headed down to the waiting room.