Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Samantha woke up and noticed Jack, asleep, with his head on her bed. “Jack?”

He looked up quickly and smiled at her. “Allure, how are you feeling?”
“Very sore but I’ll live.”
“I know you will. I’ve been sitting here watching you sleep. You’re so beautiful. I thought that he took you away from me again. I couldn’t bare to lose you.”
“You’re not going to. No bullet or man will ever take me away from you.”
“You’ll have to stay in here for a few days, but when you get out, our house will be done.”
“So fast? How?”
“I have men working night and day. I had the debris from apartment building that was behind the bar cleared and we’re building a real house … a home there.”
“Really?” her eyes lit up.
“I figured since we’ll be concentrating on our bar, that we should live close by.”
“Sounds perfect. I want to help decorate, if that’s all right.”
“Of course. I let the entire staff go at the house, except for Claudine. I hired her to be our personal cook. She will only work in the evenings for our dinners. Lunch and breakfast we’ll have to take care of ourselves.”
“That’s fine. Oh, is Luke still here?”
“He’s asleep over there. He loves you very much.”
“I know and I love him, too. He’s a good man.”
“I like him very much. I know why you love him so,” he lightly touched her cheek. “I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?”
“When … um, when I hurt you … you didn’t have an exam, why?”
“Even though I said the words … I knew you could never rape me. I knew … I don’t know how … that it was rough but not rape. I’m sorry I called you a rapist. Because of my hate and anger, I turned a rough passion into rape. I’m sorry. I was more upset with the way my feelings were turned inside out.”
“I will never hurt you again. I’m so sorry that I hit you and made love to you that way. I won’teverhit you again. I promise. I don’t want to lose you ever again,” he kissed her mouth softly. “Now, you close your eyes and rest.”
“I want to look at you. I’m afraid if I go to sleep you’ll be gone again.”
“I won’t leave you. When you come home, I will take care of you. I’ll hold you and just love you. I can’t be without you ever again. No more eliminations. No more dirty deeds. Our bar, our home, and our life will be on the straight and narrow.”
“We can still play ourgames, right?” she raised her eyebrow up and down.
“Of course. I can’twaituntil you tease me again.”
“I am sleepy,” she said.
“That’s the morphine. You just rest and I’ll be here with you until you come home. I won’t leave your side,” he whispered, as she fell asleep.

For three days, Jack sat at her bedside and held her hand. He knew she was getting stronger and couldn’t wait to take her home. It was finally over and they could start their new life together. Parker had been dealt with. He may limp now, but he knew toneverhurt Samantha again.

Jack and Luke followed the nurse as she wheeled Sam out of the hospital. Jack helped her into the car and turned to Luke. “You’re welcome to follow us. I think you should see it, too.”

“I’d like that. I’ll be right behind you,” he said.

Jack drove for a few miles and pulled over. “Samantha? I want to blindfold you, but if you’re not comfortable…”
“It’s all right. Itrustyou,” she said.
He put the blindfold around her eyes and then continued driving. When he stopped the car, he got out and opened the car door and helped her out of the car. “Ready?” he said, as Luke pulled in the driveway next to them.
He slowly removed her blindfold and she gazed with awe at the beautiful house that was in front of her.
“It’s beautiful,” she cried. “It seems so strange to be in the city like this, but it’s gorgeous.”
Luke kissed her cheek. “It’s definitely you. A nice balcony and front porch. And right next to your bar,” he pointed.
She looked to her left and smiled at the workers who were hammering the new bar together. “I like it. It’s coming along great.”
“In another week it will be finished and we can have our grand opening. Luke, you will be coming, right?”
“Yes, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. So, are you going to drink abeerthat day?” he laughed.
“Very funny,” Jack shook his head. “I justmight,” he laughed. “Come, let me show you the house.” He took her hand and led her into the house. “I tried to keep it simple, but added rooms that you’d like. Here we have our living room,” he led her to the kitchen. “We have a large eat-in kitchen. Claudine will be working from five to seven. That’s when she’ll cook us dinner. She will also do the grocery shopping. If you want something, add it to the list on the refrigerator.”
“Sounds good. I can do that,” she said.
“If we want to eat when she’s not here,I’llcook,” Jack laughed.
“Good and Ipromisethat Iwon’tcook,” she laughed.
“Through those doors is a dining room, which is also like the tea room. You can see that later. I wanted to show you our offices and the work out room.”
“We have a work out room?”
“Yeah, I know how you like to train and keep in shape. I know it will be a while before you can do that again.”
“Oh, show me,” she said, as he led her and Luke down the hall. “Two offices, one for me and one for you, but this is the workout room. I hope I got everything that you like,” he said.
She opened the door and smiled. “It’s perfect. You know me so well,” she hugged him.
“I only lightly furnished the house. I figured you’d want to decorate. We can look through the mass catalogs I collected and order whoever you want.”
“The bed? It’s thesame, right?” she asked.
“Yes, I kept that bed that you love so much,” he kissed her.
Luke smiled at the two. “I have to get to work. Samantha, I’m glad you’re better. I’ll see you both soon. Call me if you need me, but you’re in good hands,” he shook Jack’s hand and kissed Sam’s cheek, then he left.
“Show me our room, please,” she said.
He carefully lifted her up and carried her up the stairs. “There are two rooms up here. A guestroom and our master bedroom. Off the master, there’s a master bath. It has a garden tub and a separate shower,” he carried her into the bedroom.
She smiled at the room, as it was filled with deep red velvet roses. “Oh, Jack, it’s beautiful,” she said, as he laid her on the bed.
“I’m glad you like it. Anything you think it needs, we’ll order. We have a balcony, too. I know you’re still healing, but can I just lie with you and hold you? I feel like it’s been forever.”
“Please, do,” she said, as she carefully laid in his arms.
“Are you hurting?”
“Back is still sore, but you’re making me feel better,” she held his arms as he wrapped them around her. “I love you,” she whispered, as she fell asleep.
He held her close to him and vowed that he would never let anyone ever hurt her again. He hoped that Parker had learned his lesson, but if he did it again, he would losemorethan just his manhood.