Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Keeping Life

Sam walked out to the balcony and sat down. She closed her eyes and sighed to herself. The shots of the past, echoed in her head.

She could see the blood pour from the wounds as she rubbed her eyes. Life had certainly changed for her. She finally got back the man she deeply loved, but she also was realizing a lot about herself. She lightly touched her mouth as her mind drifted back in time…

She laid on the bed, with the towel wrapped around herself. “Jack? Are you awake?”
He opened his eyes and smiled. “You look lovely in that towel,” he grinned.
“You have to leave, don’t you?” she sighed.
“I’m sorry, Lee. Yes, I have something I need to take care of,” he said.
“Tell me about it,” she whispered.
“I can’t share that part of my life with you. You know that. I love you, Lee, but you’re a cop. Your loyalty is to your badge.”
“My loyalty is to you … always. I love you, Jack. Please, stay with me.”
“I … I can’t. I’m sorry. Yes, I love you,” he held her close as he dropped her towel. He ran his fingers over her barbed wire tattoo. “You know why I got this for you, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course, so, you’ll always be a part of me,” she kissed him softly.
“Allure, you can be very strong and dangerous and sexy and I love that about you. But, it means that you are also mine,” he kissed her hard.
“You’re leaving me … aren’t you?” she pushed him away.
“How did you know…” he said.
“You never claim ownership on me … you don’t own me and you never will. I don’t own you. Jack, I love you. Why are you leaving me?”
“I found someone … someone I can screw whenever I want,” he stood up and put on his pants.
“But we’re in love … are you saying you don’t love me anymore?”
“No. I …it’s better this way. You’ll forget about me.”
“No, I never will. I will never love anyone more than I love you.”
“I am sorry, Allure,” he pulled her close and laid her on the bed. “I’m sorry. I love the way we make love. Allure, if you were in a different line of work … or even if I was … maybe it would work … but you’re not a killer. You don’t even get speeding tickets. I can’t let you in my world. It’s not the life for you.”
“You don’t get to say what I want out of life,” she spat as she sat up and put on her robe.
“No, but I get to say what I want out of my life,” he kissed her again. “I don’t want to leave you …but I have to,” he put on his shirt and headed out the door.
Sam buried her face in her hands. “I want to be with you. I’d do anything … I want to know…” she cried.

Sam jumped up as Jack put his hand on her shoulder. “Oh, you startled me,” she said.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, as he sat down next to her.
“I was thinking about the night you left me.”
“Oh, I handled that all wrong…”
“That’s not why I was thinking about it. Jack, ever since you and I first became involved … way back when. I also felt alongingto come into your world.”
“You never said anything,” he said, as he put his arm around her.
“I know. I always thought it was exciting. That’s why I loved being an undercover officer. I was out on the streets … doing things … not always legal … but I always had my ass covered. When Parker … I don’t mean to bring him up … but when he gave me the instructions that I had to kill people … I was at first very upset about it. My first kill was Scott. It was hard and I broke down afterwards. When I killed Alyssa, I closed my eyes and just shot her in the head. I didn’t feel much when I killed Simon Elders. Parker said it would get harder … but it got easier.”
“Did youenjoyit?”
“I wouldn’t say enjoy… it made me feelalive… and verygrateful to be alive. I was turned on. To be honest, the so-called procedure was at first a cover-up, so that right after an elimination I could catch my breath and have time to myself.”
“But … you did this procedure, with Parker, correct?”
“Yeah, I needed to feel better. He did make me better, but I saw something in him that was like you. I know it’s wrong, but I thought I hated you. Something in his eyes was so like you. I knew … I thought I knew that I couldn’t ever be with you again … so I let myself be taken in by Parker.”
“He is a very good liar. Most of the time I don’t know if he’s lying or telling the truth. I think that he does love you, but he doesn’t know anything about being in love with anyone but himself.”
“Jack, I’ve done a lot of killing foryou,” she whispered.
“I know. Is there somethingyouwanted?”
“Would you really kill forme?” she laid her head on his shoulder.
“Of course.”
“Youdidn’tkill Parker.”
“Did you want me to?”
“Um, yes, I mean, no. I guess … I don’t know.”
“Allure, I would do anything for you. I love you. If you want me to…”
“No. I was just curious as to why you didn’t,” she sighed.
“I thought the best way to handle my brother is to make him suffer. He loves you and yet, he hurt you and lied to you. The only way to really make him pay is for him to suffer with his pride … and you know, if he sees us, every day for the rest of our lives, loving each other, it’ll kill him inside. If he was dead, the suffering would be over. Did I not make the right decision?”
“It was the right one. I have to admit, that every now and then, I just may hit him if he looks at me the wrong way … but I totally understand.”
“I knew you would, Allure,” he said, as she sat on his lap.
“I love you, Jack,” she said, as she looked into his eyes. “I want to be with you. I don’t want us to change for each other. I have to admit that … yes, in the last seven years, I have changed. I’ve grown up. I’ve gotten stronger and I’ve learned a lot … about myself.”
He lightly touched her cheek. “I am still learning about you. Is this what you really want?”
“Yes. I want us to be partners, but there is something that I’ve been very curious about.”
“What’s that?”
“Are all the bodiesreallyburied in the construction site?”
He laughed. “No. That would betooobvious. There’s no way I would have bodies buried under places where families are going to live,” he kissed her softly.
“So, where are they?”
“Gone,” he said.
“Jack, don’t youtrust me?” she asked, as she stood up and walked over to the railing.
“Of course, I trust you,” he stood up and put his hands on her shoulders. “They’re disintegrated. I have a man who works at the crematorium. That’s all. Lloyd used to do clean up, but he’s … well … gone.”
She turned and faced him. “I’m sorry. I do have to ask … how did you know about where Alyssa was?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You told me the job was done. You gave me her necklace.”
“Parkergot rid of her?”
“I would assume so … unless he called his friend Drew.”
“I guess they got rid of her because Luke said there had been no sign of her or Scott.”
“The lawyer was discovered in his office,” Jack said.
“I know,” she sighed.
“Sam, is there something bothering you? We never really got into details before about this.”
“I’m sorry. I think I’m just kind of talking it out. I don’t really likekilling people. The money was good…” she smiled slightly. “Your money was good … but therush… thethrill… the feeling inside me … I can’t explain. I loved the adventure. When I was angry and focused on killing you … there was the one thing I looked forward to … before I did it.”
“What was that?”
“Making love to you … I knew it was going to be the best sex I ever had and that’s because it was such arushto want you. I wanted you for so long … I know that I have you now … I like the exciting … teasingsex.”
“I did … for the most part … enjoy the teasing the night you were planning on killing me … I am glad that we talked…”
She took his hand and led him into the bedroom. She sat on the bed and looked up at him. “I don’t know if I could’ve done it, though.”
“You don’t think you could’ve killed me?”
She shook her head. “At that moment, I was so turned on … I knowyouwere…” she smiled. “I wanted to make love to you. I wanted to be with you. I wanted you to remember who I was. I wanted you to know how much I loved you. It seemed that at that moment when I stabbed you, my love and hate combined and became the greatest emotion I ever felt. That’s why I stopped…”
He sat down next to her. “Sam, we’re in this together. We have a past together. We’ve had a bumpy … strange past few months together. I should’ve never left you. I thought you were too good for me and I didn’t want to ruin your life.”
“You can’t ruin my life. For the first time in my entire life, I feel alive. I have control of my life. I have control of myself.”
“You also have control of me, too,” he whispered.
“I know I take a little control sometimes. I do like it when you take control, too. I like it when we have wild … sexy …teasingsex. I also love it when we just hold each other and make slow passionate love. I don’t ever want us to lose our spontaneity or ourpassion.”
“We won’t. I promise. Sam, let’s just live our life … whatever happens … happens to us … together.”
“I do so love you. I need you, Jack.”
“I will always need you, too,” he said, as he kissed her passionately. “Do you mind a little passion right now?”
“Please, show me what you’ve got,” she pulled him on top of her.
He sat up. “Better idea,” he grinned.
“What’s that?” she sat on his lap.
“Let’s finish what we started that night…”
“Are yousure?”
“I want to beteasedby you, Allure,” he said.
“If you insist,” she said. “Now…” she licked her lips as she untied his tie. She carefully tied his tie around his eyes. “Just feel it,” she said, as she unbuttoned his shirt. She gently removed his belt and made him stand. She pulled down his pants and he stepped out of them. She gently ran her hands all over his body.
She gently pushed him to sit on the bed and moved her body close to him. She unbuttoned her blouse and led it slide off her shoulders. She took his hands and rubbed them gently on her breasts.
He moved his face towards her chest and tenderly sucked on her nipples. She took his hand and ran it between her legs. “Can you feel me?”
“Oh, yes, Allure … you feel so good,” he said.
She kneeled on the floor in front of him and kissed his chest gently. She ran her hands down between his legs and squeezed softly. “I see youareturned on … aren’t you?”
“Can I beg you yet?” he licked his lips.
“Go on …beg,” she said, as she sat on his lap and rubbed herself against him.
“Now … I want you now…” he panted.
She slowly removed his blindfold and gazed down at him. “First …touchme.”
He ran his hands down her body. He fondled her nipples until they peaked at the ultimate hardness. She pushed him on the bed and laid on top of him. “Howbaddo you want me?”
“I want it … you … bad. Don’t make me wait any longer,” he pleaded.
She gently ran her tongue down his neck, to his chest, and down to his waist. She lightly licked him all over and then ran her hands around his body.
When he couldn’t take the arousal anymore, he grabbed her and rolled over. “I want you now … butfirst…”
“First what?” she moaned.
He sat on top of her legs and ran his fingertips over every inch of her body. “Do youwantit?” he whispered, out of breath.
“Now, please,” she cried, as he ran his fingers lightly between her legs.
“Are you sure…” he grinned.
She reached up and pulled him down on top of her. “Make love to me,now…”
“That, I can do, my Allure,” he said, as he made gentle, passionate love to her. “How hard do you want it?”
“Harder, baby, please,” she said, as she kissed him passionately on the mouth.
“It’s not too hard, is it?” he asked, as the sweat poured down his face.
“No, it’s just right,” she said, as she held him close to her.