Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam woke up and noticed that Jack wasn’t in the bed. She

climbed out and got dressed. She opened the doors to the balcony and gazed over at the new bar. She noticed Jack in the parking lot … with a woman. “What the hell?” she spat. She headed into the bedroom. She opened the drawer and pulled out her nine-millimeter handgun. She put it in her waistband and put on her leather jacket.

She hurried across the parking lot to the bar and opened the door. Parker looked up as she came in. “Um, you don’t want to go in there,” he said.

“Shut up, PK,” she said.
“Hedoesn’twant to be disturbed,” Parker said.
“Don’t you have some glasses to clean or something,” she spat

as she headed into the office. She stared at Jack and this woman, as she sat on his desk. “Who the hell isthis!” she yelled as she pulled out her weapon.

Jack stood up and crossed his arms. “Um, Sam, this is Elaine,” he cleared his throat.
“And?” she said as she jammed her gun against Elaine’s head.
Elaine put her hands up. “Jack, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were involved with anyone.”
“Itoldyou I was,” Jack grinned. “Now,doyou believe me?”
“Who the hell are you?” Sam spat.
“I’m his ex-wife. I want my husband back,” she gulped. “Who thehellare you?”
Sam grabbed her arms and made the woman face her. “I’m Samantha. Jack ismineand there’s no way in hell that you’re going to take him from me.”
“No one owns Jack. He does what he wants,” she put her hands on her hips.
Samantha hit her in the face with the butt of the gun. “Not anymore, you little bitch. Do you want to die now?” she aimed the gun at her woman’s forehead.
“I’ll stay away from Jack. I promise,” she gulped.
“Whatwereyou doing here?”
“I was trying to … um…seducehim.”
“Did he like it?” Sam spat.
“Um, I don’t know what you mean,” she cried.
“Did he gethard? Did youturn him on?” Sam spat.
“No. He didn’t. He told me he loved someone else and didn’t want me. I didn’t listen. I thought…”
“You thought you could sex him into wanting you again, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” she put her head down. “Please, don’t kill me. I’ll leave and keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to die. Please, don’t let me. My kidsneed me.”
“You have children?” Sam asked.
“Yes, two.”
“How old?” Sam slowly lowered the gun.
“Ten and seven,” she cried. “I’ll stay away from Jack. I promise. I won’t ever come back here again.”
Sam walked over to Jack and kissed him hard and then pushed him into the chair. “Just sit there,” she said.
“Can I go, please?” she looked at Jack.
Sam pushed her. “Don’t even look at my man again! Get out! If you come near this bar or Jack again, I will make your childrenmotherless. Do youhearme?” she said.
“Oh, yes,” Elaine quickly picked up her purse off the desk and hurried out of the office.
Sam turned her attention to Jack. “So, tell me what wasthat about?”
He smiled. “Jealous?”
“Don’t play that with me. You know I love you, but I won’tallow you to be with any other woman than me, do you hear me?”
“I know, Samantha. I love you. She approached me in the parking lot. I told her to come in so we could talk. I tried to tell her about you, but she thought I was lying. Yes, she tried to seduce me, but, Allure, she’snotyou. I only want you. I’ve never seen you soriledup,” he stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Oh, sonow, you try to be nice,” she grinned.
“Always, Allure, you’re the only woman I want. I lost you once and I won’t lose you again. Whydidn’tyou kill her?”
“Children. If she didn’t have children, I would’ve put a bullet in her head. I know … I shouldn’t have said that I owned you. I don’t own you… but I waspissed. Ineededto make my point.”
“Oh, youdefinitelymade your point. You’re such a beautiful and sexy woman. You have my heart, Allure. This jealousy thing of yours really turned me on.”
“Don’t let it happen again just to get turned on,” she grinned.
He lightly touched her face. “God, I love you so much and I’m so glad that we’re together.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. “Can you come home?”
“Yes, Allure,” he said as he picked her up and carried her out the back door of the office and towards the house.
“I do love you, Jack,” she said, as he carried her up the stairs to the bedroom.
“And I love you, Allure,” he said, as he laid her down on the bed.