Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Grand Opening

Sam and Jack opened the back door the newRazor’s Edge.

She held him close to her and kissed him softly. “Are you ready?” “Definitely,” he looked around at their staff. He nodded to
Steve, who stood in the open kitchen, that could be seen by the patrons. Parker stood nervously behind the bar and gazed over at Sam.
Cal, Ryan, and Tom waited at the door. Lionel and Simon stood outside
of Jack’s office, as his bodyguards.
Sam looked at Jack and then he nodded to Tom. Tom unlocked
the door and turned the sign toopen.
He took Sam’s hand and led her to the bar table that was located
across from the bar, but near their offices. A sign gently hung from
above the table that statedreserved for Jack and Sam.
Sam watched as patrons kept entering the bar, and either took a
seat at one of the many bar tables or sat at the bar.
“This is better that I imagined,” Jack said. “You were so right
about the floor plan and the food and everything.”
“Oh, there’s Luke,” she said, as she waved to Luke. “I think it’s
“I’ll be right back,” Jack said, as he walked towards the kitchen. Sam hugged Luke, “so, what do you think?”
“I think it’s great. I love it in here. How are you and Jack
“Quite well. We’re moving forward with our lives and we’re
learning to share.”
“I heard that Dylan is improving.”
“Yeah, he is.”
“So, has Parker been giving you any problems?”
She laughed slightly. “Um, no. I haven’t really talked to him
since he shot me. Jack will deal with him more than I will.” “I think he already did,” Luke laughed.
“Well, yeah, you know,” she said, as Jack walked back over to
the table with Steve.
“Um, Luke, this is Steve. He’s our cook here,” Jack introduced. “Nice to meet you,” Luke’s eyes lit up.
“You, too. So, what do you think of the place?” Steve asked. “I love it. It’s great. Didn’t you used to bartend here?” “Yeah, but now I get to cook, which is what I really like to do,”
he said.
“Really?” Luke smiled.
“Steve, why don’t you show Luke our kitchen after you get him
a drink?” Jack said.
“Oh, sure, come on,” Steve said.
Luke kissed Sam’s cheek. “Thanks for the nudge,” he whispered. “We all needlovin’,” she laughed.
“I’ll catch up with you later,” he followed Steve to the kitchen. Sam looked at Jack. “How’d you do that?”
“I just told Steve to look out in the room and pick the one man
he was attracted to.”
“And he pickedLuke?”
“Yeah, go figure, but it all worked out. So, I see that Parker
keeps staring over here at you.”
‘Yeah, I should go talk to him. I’ll get our drinks,” she said. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, he won’t hurt me. Hecan’thurt me anymore. I won’t
allow it.”
“And neither will I,” Jack said, as she walked away.

Sam walked over to the bar and sat down. Parker walked over to her. “So, boss, what can I get you?”
“Two beers,bottles,” she said.
“Jack doesn’t drinkanythingfrom a bottle,” he said.
“He doesnow,” she smiled.
“Coming right up,” Parker said, as he set the bottles in front of her. “Anything else?”
“Yeah, there is one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Why’d you shoot me?”
“I figured if I couldn’t have you, Jack shouldn’t either.”
“You know, PK,” she sighed. “If you didn’t lie to me … if you didn’t kill my brother … if you were up front with me about everything from the beginning … maybe we would’ve had a chance.”
“You still loved Jack. How come you didn’t tell me about Jack in the beginning?”
“You told me he killed my parents. I started to hate him for that. Things changed, Parker. I thought I was falling in love with you, but that person I loved wasn’t real. The parts of you I saw reminded me a lot of Jack, the way we were together. I thought I loved you, but itwasn’treal. Yeah, you betrayed me and broke my heart, but I’m better. You shot me in the back, you god damn coward. You’re not the man I thought you were … who you pretended to be. I don’t know you and I don’t know if I’ll ever even like you.”
“I’m sorry about everything. You’re right, I should’ve told you the truth. I just wanted you to be as angry with my brother as I was.”
“I don’t know the issues between you and Jack, but that’s not my problem.”
“Well, I won’t bother you. You’ll just be my boss and I … even if I wanted to … I couldn’t … you know.”
“I know what Jack did to you. It’s too bad, because youwerea good lover. You made me feel good, but that was just physical. I thought at the time we were making love, but it can’t be love if it’s not real, it was justsex,” she picked up the beers.
“I am going to see a doctor to see if he can fix it. I can’t live without ever having sex again,” he said.
“Whatever makes you happy. I hope it works out for you and if it does, don’t ever put your hands or any other part of your body on me,” she said.
“I still love you, babe,” he smiled.
“Don’t call me anything butSam. Do you hear me?” she said.
“Yeah, but you can still call me PK. I love hearing it from your mouth,” he smiled.
“Whatever,” she said, as she head over to Jack.
“A bottle?” he grinned.
“Yup, come on. Let’s go in the office, that way no one has to see you drink it,” she laughed.
Jack looked at Simon and Lionel. “Donotlet us be interrupted.”
“No, sir,” Lionel said.
The couple walked into the Jack’s office. Sam closed the door and locked it. She walked over and sat on his desk as he sat in the chair. She slowly sipped her beer and then set it on the desk. She slipped off her heels and gently ran her toes up and down his leg.
He smiled at her. “You once told me that you kept business and personal separate,” he smiled.
“Oh, so, youdon’twant to break in your office,” she flirted.
“Oh, I definitely do,” he said. “What do you want me to do?”
She raised her skirt slightly as she straddled his lap. She ran her hands over his chest. “Just love me, like you always do.”
He stood up as she wrapped her legs around his body. He carried her over to the sofa and laid her down. He loosened his tie and threw it on the floor.
She pulled him close to her. “I love you, Jack,” she whispered.
“I love you, Samantha,” he kissed her softly as he made gentle love to her.

She sat next to him on the sofa. “So, not bad for a grand opening,” she laughed.
He put his arm around her. “I like this partnership.”
“So do I.”
“So, you settle things with Parker?”
“Yes, he can’t hurt me anymore.”
“No one can. Believe me.No onecan,” he kissed her forehead. “Did you mean what you said the other day?”
“About what?”
“Keeping some things the same?”
“Yes, who do you need me to kill?” she laughed.
“Well…” he grinned.
“Jack?” she looked at him. “Who pissed you off?”
“There is just some unfinished business before we can move on.”
She snuggled up to him. “I’ll do whatever you need to find peace of mind,” she said. “But, it’s between you and me.”
“Is the price still the same?” he asked.
She sat on his lap and faced him. “Yes, but my procedure is different,” she smiled, as she kissed him.
“Oh,howis it different?” he lightly touched her cheek.
“You’re the one I want theprocedure with … my way!” she laughed.
“Iloveyour way. Is it all right, if now and then, we do itmyway?” he asked.
“No hitting, but the blindfold and ropes are fine,” she flirted.
“Good. I knew you’d bemine… all the way.”
She ran her hands up and down his chest. “Um, Jack?”
“What is it?” he asked, as he leaned back.
“I may be yours, but you’remine.”
“Ilikethat,” he smiled.
“If youeverlook at another woman again, I’ll kill her. Do you hear me?”
“I don’t want anyone but you … I promise.”
“Good. Always remember that I’m very good with a knife,” she ran her hands down his pants.
“Oh, you’re good witha lotof things. I remember and I’llnever forget.”
She kissed him long and hard. “How did that make you feel?”
“Like it should beillegal,” he laughed.
“Well, noteverythingwe do is illegal, but since you played my game, we can break in my office and playyourgame, if you want,” she flirted, as she stood up.
He grabbed her and carried her into the adjoining office. He wrapped his tie around her eyes and held her close. “Strip!” he demanded.
She turned towards his hot breath. “Makeme!”
“Do youtrustme?” he lightly touched her face.
“With everything that I am,” she said, as she let her clothes dropped to the floor.

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