War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 37 Kort and Revik

As they gathered around the inn’s dining hall for breakfast, Kort noticed that Aisha and Revik were not with them.

“Where are Revik and Aisha?” Kort asked. “They will probably come later,” Misara answered. “Revik seemed to require some badly needed rest after their foray into the forest.”

Kort considered Misara’s words. He wondered what she meant by this.

They had all begun to eat when Aisha arrived with Revik. She was gently supporting Revik by the arm as if she was afraid he might fall down. But despite this, Revik had the look of triumph about him. This made Kort wonder more about what had occurred in the forest.

Revik and Aisha sat down with them and began to eat.

“Tell us about what happened in town,” Revik said. He appeared to be genuinely interested.

Beret looked at Kort and Misara. He then recounted the events that had happened the day before.

When Beret had finished his tale, Revik looked at Misara and said, “All the people are healed?”

Misara looked at Revik briefly before speaking, “Yes, but I can only speak for the ones who stayed home.”

Revik nodded at Misara.

“Tell us what happened in the forest,” Misara said.

Revik seemed taken aback by Misara’s directness. He pushed the plate in front of him as if preparing to tell a serious account of what had transpired. He then motioned to Aisha and pointed to the door. Aisha seemed to understand. She stood up to close it.

“I went in search of the Staff of Lightning,” Revik said. He seemed to pause allowing them the chance to absorb what he had just said.

But Kort had no idea what the Staff of Lightning was.

As if in answer to his mental query, Revik began to tell the tale of the Tower of Sky Magic and how they were defeated by sorcerers of dark magic.

“Yesterday, Aisha accompanied me to the ruins of the tower,” Revik said.

“We encountered something that we did not expect,” Aisha interrupted. There was excitement in her voice.

Revik appeared not to mind Aisha’s interruption.

“Yes,” Revik nodded in agreement. “We were met by a very powerful type of the undying.”

Kort and the others fell silent. He had only heard of the undying as stories told to children to scare them into obedience by their parents.

“An abomination… they are an affront to the very gods themselves!” Misara exclaimed as she appeared unable to control her indignation.

“Yes they are,” Revik replied.

“What did you do?” Beret now seemed to be completely focused on Revik.

It was Aisha who answered Beret’s question.

“Teacher bound it with a spell, but another one came up from under the ground behind me and grabbed my ankle. So, teacher had to destroy the one holding me. But the first one broke free of the binding spell. And so teacher battled it, but it was very powerful. I had to help bind the remaining undying while teacher cast a very powerful spell destroying it completely,” Aisha said. She appeared to be catching her breath after her hurried account of the encounter.

“That is what happened,” Revik said appearing proud after their victorious battle.

Kort looked at Misara and then at Beret. “This had been your plan all along?” Kort asked.

“I did not wish to burden you with my own mission,” Revik answered.

“And you risked your life and the life of your apprentice for what, a mere staff?” Kort said to Revik accusingly. He could not hide the ire he felt towards what Revik had so callously done.

Aisha’s gaze fell to the table. She did not look at anyone, not even at Revik.

“We had just told you what it is we are up against,” Revik answered. “The foes we encountered yesterday may have been more than a match for any of you save Misara.”

Kort understood what Revik meant. Misara being a priestess had the power to call upon her god to remove such vile creatures from this plane of existence. But such power depended on the strength of a priest’s faith.

“I have been in search of mystical relics imbued with great power,” Revik continued. “These relics may prove useful against the enemies we may one day face.”

Kort considered Revik’s words. His argument made sense. But to not inform them of his plan was something he could not let pass.

“I am disappointed that you did not trust us, your friends, with the mission you took upon yourself,” Kort said to Revik. “The next time you keep secrets from us may be your last.”

A long silence followed.

Kort could now feel the others looking at him. He was still furious and he tried his best to contain his feelings. Despite this, he did not wish the incident in the forest to come between their friendship.

“My apologies,” Revik said appearing to have realized his mistake. He bowed his head to Kort and to the others in apparent contrition.

Moments passed before Revik spoke again.

“I have been able to locate other relics that may be of use to you, sir knight,” Revik said as he looked at Beret.

“And to you bounty hunter,” Revik said as he looked at Kort this time.

Kort thought that Revik may be trying to atone for his apparent lack of sound judgment by offering them these so-called relics of his. But he was curious as to what they may be. Yet he wondered why Revik did not say anything about any relic for Misara.

As if having read Kort’s mind, Revik spoke as he glanced at Misara, “I have no relics for Misara because our priestess has no need of them. Her faith is her protection and her weapon.”

They now all looked at Misara. Kort had seen how she healed so many of the sick yesterday. She was indeed favored by the old gods, he thought.

“How do you feel now?” Misara said to Revik.

“Much better than I did yesterday,” Revik answered.

“But perhaps another day or two will help me recover fully.”

Kort pondered what Revik meant. He had heard that wielders of magic had to rest for long periods after they use their power. Revik’s battle with the undying must have exacted a heavy toll.

“Perhaps we could leave tomorrow for Kestalon,” Beret suggested.

Kort considered this for a moment. Misara and Revik both needed to rest, he thought.

“The remainder of the journey will take three days,” Kort said. “Beret is right. Let us rest one more day for the long trip ahead.”

The others nodded in agreement.

Yet Kort noticed that Aisha seemed agitated about something. What really happened in the forest? He continued to wonder.