War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 38 The Sword

They began their journey to Kestalon early in the morning of the following day. Beret rode at the back of their group, while Kort was at the front. Revik, Misara and Aisha rode alongside each other in between the two fighters.

Beret kept a watchful eye on all of them from behind. Though his principal role was to keep the rearguard, he also kept watch over Revik whom he now regarded with some suspicion.

The events in Narul made him realize that Revik was a very different man from what he had known him to be years before in Torinth. He now seemed extremely crafty. And this may pose a problem someday, he thought. Revik had demonstrated a tendency to put personal interest above everyone else’s. He felt he needed to watch him more carefully now. And yet harboring suspicions about his friend bothered his conscience.

But Beret also wondered about the relic that Revik had mentioned. A magical weapon would be extremely valuable, he thought. He had heard of an elite group of knights that had once existed within their ranks centuries ago. They were called the Holy Knights of Arkamas. And there were only seven in number. Each one had a sword that was created by a combination of magic and priestly blessing. It was said that these swords could cut through anything. But the power of these swords depended on how true their wielders were to their oaths and to the Code they followed. These were called the Holy Swords of the Seven.

Hours passed as their journey progressed. It was becoming hotter under the noon sun, and so they decided to camp under the shade of some trees on the side of the road. As they ate, Beret was surprised to see Revik approaching him.

“May I join you sir knight?” Revik asked.

Beret motioned Revik to sit beside him on the trunk of a dead tree.

“I noticed you seemed interested in what I had revealed that night about certain relics I have discovered,” Revik said.

Beret merely looked at him waiting for what else he had to say.

“I believe I have found the location of one of the Seven Holy Swords,” Revik said.

Hearing this made Beret look at Revik in astonishment. He tried his best to hide his enthusiasm.

“Apparently, during the Time of Despair one of the Holy Knights led a company to Kestalon to halt the advance of one of the armies of Qorath,” Revik said. “But they were heavily outnumbered and were eventually defeated. This holy knight was eventually killed. But his sword was recovered and is said to have been kept safe by a family whose lives they owed to his gallant sacrifice. They may have passed it on from generation to generation in honor of their defender.”

“Do you know the family and their whereabouts?” Beret asked as he was no longer able to hide his zeal.

“Yes,” Revik said. “Records reveal that they are a family of tailors and have been for many centuries. They go by the name of the House of Estar.”

Beret recognized immediately that the family was named after the bright moon of the evening sky.

“Let us pay them a visit then,” Beret said.

Revik appeared to consider this for a moment before speaking again.

“There is however the question of whether they will part with it,” Revik said. “They may now regard it as a priceless heirloom.”

Beret fell silent as he thought about this.

“I leave you to your thoughts sir knight,” Revik said to him. He then rose and walked towards Aisha who was still eating.

Beret now needed a compelling reason that would move the Estar family to part with the sword. He recalled Revik’s own argument about the need to possess whatever advantage they could find against the foes they may one day face.