War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 39 Kestalon

The remainder of the journey was uneventful. They arrived in the City of Kestalon just before noon. This city was busier than most as commerce here flowed freely. It was still early, Kort thought. They could proceed to the library where the manuscript may have been hidden.

“I would like to visit a certain family of tailors,” Beret said. “Revik tells me that a certain relic that once belonged to our Order may have been kept by them.”

Kort looked at Revik and then back at Beret. There was still much time, he thought. Perhaps there was no hurry to proceed to the library.

“Let us find an inn first,” Kort said. They all agreed.

An hour later, they were at the bustling city center. Kort had asked around to see where the library was located. The people were kind enough  to inform him that it was a mere few streets away from where they were. They managed to find an inn not that far from where the library was located.

When they reached the inn, Kort noticed Aisha was very pale.

“Are you alright Aisha?” Kort asked her as he dismounted his horse and approached Revik’s apprentice.

Without warning, Aisha suddenly fell from her horse. Kort was quick enough to catch her. Her skin felt like it was burning.

“She has a fever,” Kort declared.

Upon hearing this, the others became alarmed.

Beret secured their horses in the stable of the inn.

Meanwhile, Revik went to the inn keeper and told him they needed five bed chambers where they would stay. But as he spoke to him, Revik noticed that the inn keeper was particularly curious about who they were. But because he was in a hurry to arrange a room for Aisha, he just told him they were visitors from Torinth.

Revik then returned to the group and informed them that their chambers were ready on the second floor of the inn. Kort carried Aisha to the room that she was to occupy. Misara then instructed them to fetch water while she sat beside Aisha who was now lying down on the bed.

“Did you not notice anything wrong with her?” Misara asked Revik.

Revik only shook his head.

Misara tried to examine Aisha. When she touched her ankle, Aisha moaned in pain. Misara raised Aisha’s pant leg and found a festering wound that was in the shape of a hand.

Kort noticed Revik’s eyes widen as he saw the wound.

“That was where the undying held her,” Revik said.

“What’s happening to her?” Kort asked. “The touch of the undying carries with it a curse that would eventually transform their victims into creatures like them,” Misara said.

They all now looked at Misara.

“I may be able to heal her but because she has had this for many days, she will probably require much rest,” Misara said.

Kort felt reassured by this.

Misara began the healing ritual. But it seemed different from the one she had performed many times back in Narul, Kort observed.

When it was finally over, Misara spoke. “It is finished.”

“Will she be alright?” Revik asked.

“Yes, but only after a few days’ rest,” Misara replied.

“We should all rest then,” Kort said. “The journey had been quite long.”

“I will watch over Aisha,” Misara said.