War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 45 Selagim

Before journeying to Selagim, Beret apprised Kort of what the manuscript had revealed. Kort now knew what it was they had to do to avert the return of Qorath.

Revik needed to purchase a small wagon where Aisha could rest during the journey. After two hours, Revik returned with one that was suitable.

The journey had been swift this time because of the urgency they now felt.

Selagim was a small neighboring town north of Kestalon. There was a large river that ran through it which was called the River of the Sword. It was here where many of the soldiers from Arkamas perished during the Time of Despair as they defended the people from the barbarian hordes.

They arrived in Selagim during the morning of the day the eclipse was to happen.

They had to locate the Temple of Kirion first. When they had found it, they looked for the nearest inn where Aisha could rest. But being a small town there was only one inn within the vicinity of the temple.

“What is the exact time the great eclipse is expected to occur?” Kort asked Revik.

“Two hours from now,” Revik replied.

As they were pressed for time, Beret proceeded to make arrangements for their stay with the inn keeper. The inn keeper that greeted them was hooded and did not speak much.

Except for Aisha, Kort asked them to be at the inn’s dining hall in half an hour to plan their next move.

When they were all gathered, Revik said to them, “We have less than two hours before the great eclipse.”

“How are we to destroy the Stone of Affliction?” Kort asked.

Beret stood in front of them and unsheathed his new sword. It looked magnificent, Kort thought.

“We cannot simply destroy the Stone’s physical form,” Misara said as he looked at Beret. “The Spirit that lies trapped inside needs to be cast out.”

“Then what are we to do?” Beret asked as he sheathed his sword and sat down once more.

“I need to stand before it while I recite the Prayer of Banishment,” Misara answered.

Kort and the others appeared to consider this. Kort then said to Misara, “The three of us will accompany you into the Temple of Kirion.”

“Agreed,” Beret said.

As they discussed the details of their plan, the inn keeper slowly entered the dining hall and served them a jug of wine together with some cups. The inn keeper then left.

Beret took the jug and poured himself a cup. When Beret was about to take a sip, that was when Kort suddenly realized something.

“Wait!” Kort said to Beret. Beret froze. The cup was still in his hand.

“Who ordered the wine?” Kort asked all of them.

They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

“The inn keeper!” Kort exclaimed. “He is the assassin!”

They all became alarmed by what Kort said.

Beret threw the cup to the floor. The impact shattered it.

They heard a sound from outside as if someone was running away.

“Misara!” Kort said. “You and Beret proceed to the Temple of Kirion now!”

Beret and Misara stood up.

“Revik,” Kort said. “Follow me!”

Kort and Revik ran out and saw the inn keeper running down the street. They began to chase after the assassin.