Watergate Amendment Vol 1


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Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description HTML

As one of the most notorious events in American political history, the Watergate scandal has intrigued historians, politicians, filmmakers and the American public for decades. This novel provides a fresh and unique take on these events while unveiling incidents unnoticed until now as it paints a picture of the greatest conspiracy in American History. Consider, the architect of the 25th Amendment also orchestrated himself to be appointed Vice President of the United States, ‘One Heartbeat Away’ from achieving his lifetime goal. After reading ‘Watergate Amendment’, the one question readers Ponder…. Is this really true?

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John Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald was born in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, a paratrooper in Vietnam, graduate of Lackawanna College and University of Ft. Lauderdale. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.