Aerobics--The Big "Fat" Lie by Kasper V. Christensen - HTML preview

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Testimonials for FortiusFitness

Even clearer was the results when we looked ourselves in the mirror. The muscles were bigger and clearly defined and left were two very satisfied customers.


JeppeSaggauLondogMorten MelanderPetersen - 21years

Before I started with Kasper I trained 6-7 times a week and got nowhere. Now I train every other day and I can see significant difference. I lost a lot of kilos and began to build muscle.

Ali AhmadAmiri-21years

I had set myself a goal - In 8 weeks I would get my bodyfat down before I went on vacation. I must say that it came. From 30 to 23%. Im so I’m happy. It just shows that Kaspers fitness and diet program works.


Basic things like the way we all believe we must work out to build muscle and lose fat changed suddenly. It took him a long time to convince me of some of the stuff, but he succeeded and I won because of that.



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