Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: Running

This is a partner relay drill that works best if the pair are of unequal fitness levels. The best way to do achieve this situation is to have the whole group run a 400m lap. Naturally, the faster or fitter members of the group will complete the lap first. Ask the group to line up in the order that they finished and pair them up as follows: The two people at the ends of the line ie. the slowest and the fastest become partners. Repeat this until everyone has a partner. If there are an uneven number in the group then the 3 middle people will form a trio.


Jog with the group to a wide, open space with a clear landmark approximately 500m or 600m away. Everyone should have a clear line of sight to it.  The faster member of the pair will run out to the landmark and back again. In the meantime, the slower member will start travelling lunges in the same direction. When the runner returns, they tag their partner and swap roles. If there is a trio, then 2 people start running while one lunges.


As the drill progresses, obviously the distance to the turnaround point gets shorter. The uneven partnerships virtually guarantee that everyone will reach the end at approximately the same time. It will become competitive as it gets towards the end. Encourage this, but remain strict about the technique of the lunges and handicap any ‘cheaters’ by giving them a penalty to slow them down. For example waiting 5 seconds before running after being tagged - or for fitter participants several star jumps, push ups or squats. Substitute travelling lunges with 2 steps followed by a squat for those with unstable knee joints.


Total Time for Main Segment (500m distance): 25mins to 30mins
