Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: Running

This is an interval challenge for time and it is a good workout to use as a benchmark of overall fitness.  Participants have a fixed time in which to complete the workout. If beginners and intermediates meet the challenge, then they progress to being intermediate or advanced athletes! The test time will vary depending on the overall fitness level of the group however 20mins is a fairly average starting point for most groups.


Mark out 10 cones at 20m apart along a 200m section of running track or on a long, flat field. Place markers for the ‘starting lines’ as follows: Beginners starting point is 20m from the first cone, intermediates 30m and advanced athletes start 40m away from the first cone.


Each athlete races to the first cone and upon returning, does one set of prisoner squats followed by a set of sit-ups (10, 15 or 20 reps of each depending on their fitness level). They then proceed to rush to the second cone and back and again do the squats and sit-ups. Keep going until every cone has been visited once. Their time stops when they complete the last set of sit-ups. 


Total challenge time: 20mins


Run for 10 mins before returning to the meeting place for a game of fitball. (See warm up ideas).
