SE7EN #1
Category: H.I.T
This is a challenging anaerobic workout designed to train the lactate energy system. It is roughly 2mins work, 2 mins rest for each set. Explain that the faster they complete a set, the more rest time they will get before the next one starts. The reward of longer rest is a great incentive to really go for it during each set!
Allow a good 15 minutes warm up before this one. Demonstrate each exercise and then give everyone the opportunity to practice a few skips and burpees. Correct any technique issues, then advance or regress each individual in the group according to their ability and fitness level.
Set a countdown timer to sound an alarm every 4 minutes. It will take about 1’45” to 2’15” to complete one set of work. The participants should be encouraged to breathe and recover during the remaining time and to encourage those still working to finish faster. Tick off each set as it is completed so that you don’t lose track.
7 rounds of 4 minutes = 28mins for the main segment.