Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: H.I.T

The Tabata protocol; invented in Tokyo, Japan in 1996 by a team of exercise scientists led by Dr Izumi Tabata. They published evidence of a dramatic increase in anaerobic capacity and oxygen uptake in a group of conditioned athletes. The conclusion was thatjust 4 minutes of Tabata does more to boost aerobic and anaerobic capacity than an hour of long, slow, low intensity, monostructural activity. However, it is intense! Use Tabata sparingly in your bootcamp programs – advise less conditioned participants to start very slowly.


The protocol itself is simple – 20secs of maximum intensity exercise followed by 10secs of rest, repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. It is more effective if the exercises are compound (ie mobilising more than one joint). Below is a suggested sequence. The intensity in segments 1,3 and 5 can be varied by the weight of the dumbbells used.


Beginners: 5kg              Intermediate: 10kg         Advanced: 20kg


5 x 4min segments with 2 to 3 minutes rest in between = approximately 30 mins.


1.  Sumo Deadlift High Pull  (with Dumbbells)


2.  High Knees x6, Mountain Climbers x6. Repeat for the 20s work period.


3.  Thruster  (with Dumbbells)


4.  Sprint for 10secs, turn around and sprint back (=20s)


5.  Reverse lunges holding a single dumbbell straight above head in both hands (straight arms, shoulders behind ears)

