Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: Teamwork

Working as a team to achieve a common goal is a massive motivator. In this workout, teams work to see which one can complete each of the challenges in the fastest time.


Divide the group into teams of 3 or 4 people of varying fitness levels. Each member of each team is assigned exactly the same number of reps. Once the faster members of the team complete the reps of their exercises, they can then start doing the reps for team members that are still going.


For example, the first person to finish all their exercises in challenge 1, finds that a team mate has done 80 of their squats and 50 upright rows. They might choose to do the remaining 20 squats for that person. The next person finished may then choose to do the remaining upright rows or go help the other team member by doing some of their reps for them.


It is not advised to complete all the reps consecutively. Break each exercise down into blocks of smaller reps and move to the next one just before you reach fatigue. The 400m run must be done in one go.


Each round will take between 10 and 15 minutes depending on how fit the group is as a whole. Every team member works until all reps are complete for all members in their team.


