Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: Running

A combination of a long, slow, distance run with a series of high-rep body-weight exercises work both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways in this workout. During the body weight exercises, glycogen stored in the muscles will be the dominant fuel source. This should be intense enough to invoke an oxygen debt. Running at a slower pace afterwards will lower the heart rate slightly - just enough repay the debt in time for the next round.

Explain that this workout will develop a tolerance to lactic acid build up in the muscles (a by product of anaerobic work in the lactate energy pathway). This tolerance is what allows athletes to 'endure' for longer.

Set a countdown time to go off every 4 minutes. The group will all head out for a moderate run together and stop running every 4 minutes to perform 40 reps of high-intensity exercises as per below. Make sure that the front runners turn around and rejoin the group in time for the next set to commence. One way to achieve this is to instruct the fastest runner to turn around at a landmark about 400m to 600m away (eg. a bus stop, tree, stop sign, junction etc).

By the time that the countdown timer goes off, the group will be reasonably close together again. Instruct everyone to stop, perform 40 reps of the exercise and then continue running. The faster runners start their set when they return back to the last person. This will equate to roughly 3 minutes running, 1 minute of high intensity body weight exercise.


Have 2 PTls conduct this session. One will act as a front marker, making sure that faster runners do not get too far ahead.

At the 2½ to 3 minute mark in each set, the front runners should turn around and head back to the last person who will be the second PTI.

Main segment 10 x 4mins = 40mins

1.  40 air squats      


2.  40 push ups (on toes for guys, on knees for girls)

3.  40 sit-ups      

4.  40 walking lunges    

5.  40 dips (close-grip push-ups if no fence or wall)

6.  40 walking lunges


7.  40 sit-ups


8.  40 push ups (on toes for guys, on knees for girls)


9.  40 air squats


10. Once back at the meeting place, hold a plank position until the whole group has returned

