Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Part 1 – My Fitness & Health Focus
Chapter 1: The State of Our Current Health

Movies like Supersize Me and television shows like Honey, We’re Killing The Kids point to our awareness that something is not right with our health. Each year, billions of dollars are spent on health equipment, diet books, health food, diet supplements, weight loss pills & potions and fitness center memberships.

So if we’re so aware of our current health situation, and apparently spending tons of money to do something about it, how come we lead such unhealthy lives? How come obesity is considered such a national epidemic?

We don’t need statistics to tell us that 21stcentury life can be unhealthy. There seems to be a fast food outlet on every corner (and between corners, too). We lead sedentary lives at work, sitting at a computer all day and then after work in front of the television. On top of that, we’re stressed and busy so we don’t even get the rest we need to re-energize your bodies.

A little over a century ago, while North America was still being settled, people worked long hours and life was hard, but they ate balanced meals, got plenty of rest, and lead relatively stress free lives.

The medical industry may have advanced in its ability to save our lives but we are making its job harder by becoming unhealthier every single day. 00001.jpg