Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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So what are Your Long Term Solutions For Improving Your Fitness & Health? It all comes down to just a few important factors My Personal Fitness & Health Balance

Right now, we’re not balanced. There is too much going on in our daily lives. From the moment we wake up we’re unbalanced. Consider this typical daily lifestyle scenario:

6:00 AM – Alarm goes off, again. You jump out of bed and start your morning.
7:00 AM – The kids are at the table and you’re eating yourSuper-sized toasted bagel (400 Calories of High Glycemic - Blood Sugar Spiking Refined White Flour Bread) lathered with saturated full fat cream cheese, while you quickly dress for work. What did you do with the report you worked on late last night? Do the kids have their homework? Did you sign the note to allow one of them to go on a field trip?
7:15 AM – There’s no time to finish your bagel, so you drink yourHigh Octane Caffeine Loaded 20oz Travel Mug of Coffee loaded with Tons of Sugar & Full Fat cream,as you buckle the kids into the car and wave goodbye to your spouse, who’s tearing off to work in the other car… slightly late.
7:45 AM – You’ve just dropped off your youngest to daycare and now you’re headed to school but traffic is getting heavy and you’re starting to get stressed out. Someone cuts you off, which upsets you even more as road rage starts to kick in.
8:00 AM – You drop off your oldest child at school then rush to work. If traffic doesn’t lighten up, you may be late.
8:30 AM – You slide into your desk – you just made it! Now you begin your day. As usual, there’s a lot of work to do and you see that you’ll have to bring some home tonight in order to finish.


10:15 AM – Coffee break - No Time for a Healthy Snack – Just Grab a Candy Bar from the Vending Machine Down the hall and some more High Octane Coffee loaded with sugar and high saturated fat dry creamer. Just the Perfect Choice for making your Blood Sugar Sky Rocket Again!

12:00 PM – Lunch. You didn’t have time to pack a lunch so you slip across the street to one of thoseFast Food Hamburger Drive Thru and grab a Burger with Cheese and you Super-Size your order with an Extra Large Order of Grease Laden French Fries, but you make an awesome decision and only order a Diet Soda to offset your 1,000 plus calorie lunch.

1:00 PM – You’re back to work and your manager is heard yelling on some kind of rampage about work not getting done. You heard there could be cuts at the end of the month so you find yourself pushing to work harder.

3:30 PM – Coffee break. – No Time to Snack – Feeling a Bit Sluggish
5:30 PM – You rush out of work and fight traffic because you have to pick up your oldest child from the after school program, then you have to rush to the daycare before 6PM to pick up your youngest child.
6:00 PM – You don’t feel like cooking tonight so you call your spouse on the cell phone and ask them to pick something up on the way home.
7:00 PM – You all sit down to a dinner oftwo slices of pepperoni pizza and a beer that you so desperately need after your stressful day of work. At least you don’t have any dishes to do!
8:00 PM – You fight with your oldest child to do their homework while you get your youngest child to bed.
9:00 PM – You fight with your oldest child to start getting ready for bed.
10:00 PM – Your oldest is now in bed, a half hour late and you can sit down for a few minutes before you have to start on your report.
10:15 PM – You begin your report and realize that it’s going to be a late night tonight.


2:45 AM – As you crawl into bed you realize today was just like every other day and tomorrow doesn’t look any different.

This is how many households function! Is yours like this? Some are worse! Consider how much harder it is for a single parent, or a parent who has to work longer than 8:30 to 5:30.

A quick diagnosis of the example above shows that…
You are only getting half of the sleep you should be getting. You ate large portions of Fat Laden, High Calorie Convenience Meals that made your Blood Sugar spike up and down all day. No Time to Work Out
There is a lot of stress in your life.

This is unhealthy living and the sad reality is that many of us are living it because we feel trapped and unable to get out. We want to live healthier lives but because we’re unbalanced, it feels like we don’t have a lot of choice.

A balanced life is one where our physical activity is moderate, our resting activity is moderate, our food intake is moderate, and our stress is moderate. Each of these fitness factors works together to determine our overall level of health. A few minutes on the treadmill each week won’t make up for a lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and the high stress we feel.

My Flab to Fab Fitness & Health Plan eBook is not just about working out for just minutes a day. It’s about changing your life for the better… through balance along with getting maximum results in the most efficient use of your Valuable personal time.


That’s why I call the My Flab to Fab Fitness & Health Plan eBook a total health and personal fitness program. It’s meant to change your entire life and that will promote fitness, healthy living, and feeling good about yourself!

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My Flab to Fab Fitness & Health Tips

Surround yourself with winners . – One of the key qualities of all successful people is that they avoid negative people and they spend the majority of their time surrounded by those who have already achieved what they themselves seek to achieve. So if your goal is to weigh 135 pounds by eating healthy and living an energy full life - then seek out others who already live a healthy lifestyle and weigh 135 pounds. Hanging out with people who just talk about getting in shape but never take persistent action will ensure that you never reach your goal.

Be Real about your Success – It would be great if you could train for a week and see magical results, but that’s not how Getting in Shape and improving your health works. Just like Getting out of shape does not happen in one day, you will not see results immediately when you start any type of fitness training program. Be Realistic, Be prepared and Set Short, Medium and Long Term Goals. When you make your fitness goals realistic and attainable you will ensure a greater success for sticking with your fitness program for life.


Fitness Support – When you are trying to get fit, it is very important to have family and friends supporting you along the way. This means that they need to respect your fitness and health goals and not tempt you into the wrong food choices or try and derail you from your fitness-training plan. Remind them how important this is to you and you need their support and encouragement and who knows, they may end of training right along side you.
Body Fat and Weight – Get off the scale and stop managing your fitness health success by your body weight. Most people measure they success or failure based on have I gained or lost weight. This is by far the worst way to measure your fitness success. Body Fat Composition should be all that you stay focused on in your measurement of success. Use a time tested simple measurement with the use of a Body Fat Caliper by Accumeasure. It is one of the most effective and quickest ways to get a true health measurement of your long-term fitness goals

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