Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: My Foundation of Fitness & Healthy Living

Fit & Healthy living doesn’t just come from one thing. Forget the magic pill or the diet potion or the surgery or the mantra or the crash diet or the intense workout once a month. These are common things we turn to when we need a solution for our lives. But they won’t help us enjoy healthy living.

Healthy living is like a puzzle and each piece fits together with the other pieces and it isn’t until you have all of the pieces that you have a complete picture. If one piece is missing, your puzzle isn’t complete and you don’t have the full healthy lifestyle that you need to enjoy.

What are these puzzle piece
cornerstones that need to fit together to make a complete picture of health?

You’ve already read about some of them. On the next page I have provided you with an entire list. Use this list as a personal checklist to make sure every puzzle piece in your life is in place. If not, start focusing on that missing piece.


The Building Blocks For Ultimate Fitness & Health

Personal Goal Setting – Knowing What you want to specifically accomplish & when Between the Ears – Understanding how Behavior modification is Crucial for Success Adequate Sleep – Rest and Recovery from Daily Fitness & Health Activities Stress Management – Keeping a clear mind through Work & Personal Life Healthy Eating – Complete & Balanced Nutritionally Sound Meal Planning Get Moving Daily – Weight & Cardio Fitness Training in Balance

Are you enjoying each of these today? Are you even sure what is the right amount of each for you?


This book is all about helping you find personal balance in your life and giving you the skills you need to put the puzzle pieces of fitness & health all together.

My Flab to Fab Fitness & Health Tips

Attitude is Really Everything – When it comes to living healthy. A negative attitude can sabotage the best-laid plans for your fitness and health goals. Living well is a direct correlation with a positive attitude. Keep smiling and try to surround yourself with positive people and influences, while you look for the good in daily business and personal activities.


Don’t be Fooled with Diets – Most people are completely confused when the word diet or nutrition is used. Your body needs to have nutrients replaced, whether through foods being eaten or supplementation. Do you remember what you learned in elementary school about the four major food groups? As an adult, eating balanced healthy meals from these four food groups still applies. It is extremely important to remove the “junk food” from your meal plan and stick with healthy balanced foods. If you do not like certain things such as fruits and vegetables, be sure you are taking a supplement to get the nutrients you definitely need.

According to fitness experts - exercising female diabetics had a 33 percent lower chance to develop cardiovascular disease after eight years than those who didn’t workout. Stroke could be reduced by 50 percent with a moderate, five-day exercise program.

Into those Golden Years - An Associated Press survey found that more than 60 percent of Americans don't want to live to 100 for fear of bad health and insufficient finances. Don't be a fool; you can live to be 103! Studies have shown that regular exercise and eating right improves ones health and can even slow the effects of aging. Start now, age gracefully and feel great

The Risk of Not Taking Care -Eating a healthy diet, combined with staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight, can cut cancer risk by 30 percent to 40 percent, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

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