Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Part 2 – My Personal Goal Setting Chapter 7: The Value of Goal Setting

There’s an old adage in sports that says, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” What this adage is all about is reminding us that we need to set goals and attempt to reach them if we want to see success. No goals will more likely mean any successes.

Now, some might argue that having goals could mean no success… and that’s true, too. But here’s the difference:

An archer can fire randomly into a field and his arrows will hit wherever they land… completely ineffective. Another archer can fire at a bull’s eye. They may not hit the bulls eye each time, but at least they try and they will hit the bulls eye some of the time.

00001.jpgWhat does that mean for your health? Consider this comparison between someone named Jim and someone named Mary:

Jim wants to get healthy but doesn’t bother to set goals for himself. Each day he goes about his daily routine and as he lies down in bed at night he realizes that he forgot to do anything about his health today.
The result? Jim’s lack of goals means that he has no direction.

Mary wants to get healthy but she decides to set goals. She commits to eating 5-6 balanced healthy meals a day. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn’t.

The result? Mary may not always hit her goal all the time, but at least she hits her goals from time to time.

You need goals to monitor your success and to know if you Failed or if you succeeded.

My Flab to Fab Fitness & Health Tips

Visualize Clearly and Often - Design your new body in your mind first. You cannot achieve your idea of the perfect body if you don't have an idea of what the perfect body means to you. Take 10 minutes when you are sure not to be disturbed by people or phone calls, get comfortable, fully relax, and then begin to dream about what you will look like when you have achieved your goal. Be specific, what will your calves look like, your legs, your butt, your lower back, your stomach, your chest, your upper back, your shoulders, your neck and your face. Then review this image as often throughout each day as possible (never less than 3x/day).

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