Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter 16: My Daily Nutrition Habits

Most Diet Plans and Weight Loss Programs fall way short of the mark in providing Complete and Balanced Nutrition, since most diet programs are nothing more than calorie cutting fluffed up starvation diets. No More Starving yourself, when you really understand how My Fresh Balance Diet Plan utilizes a scientific approach to Proper Nutrition That is Complete and Balanced......................

Eat Every 2-3 Hours to keep your blood sugar spikes level throughout the day and also to keep your body fueled equally throughout the day. This will help in the struggle when most people don't eat and then they get a binge type feeling for a low quality food choice that breaks one of your important habits.(That Means 5-6 Meals/Day)

Eat complete, lean high quality protein with each meal - This includes your in between meal snacks as well.

Eat nutrient dense dark colored vegetables with each meal during your day.Eat dark colored veggies and whole natural fruits with all your meals; Starch Carbs ONLYafter your weight training or cardio workouts

Eat healthy fats daily in your nutrition plan. Include Olive Oil, Avocadoes, Flax Seed and other healthy fats.

Drink beverages with ZERO calories - Save your calories for the foods you enjoy and don't get a large part of your caloric intake on a daily basis from empty liquid non satisfying calories.

Eat whole natural foods from as close to the earth as possible (Meaning Very Little or NO processing of them) instead of dietary supplements whenever possible.

Plan Your Meals Ahead and prepare as many meals in advance as possible - The more you are organized the better habits and long term results you will create.

Eat as wide a variety of good whole nutrient dense foods as possible This guarantees you consume a good balance of macronutrients and also vitamins and minerals in your daily diet plan.


Plan to Cheat 3 - 4 Meals Per Week with the My Fresh Balance Diet PlanDon't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy, but Binging on High Sugar, High Bad Fat, and Refined White Flour Foods should be limited to no more than 3 – 4 meals of the 35 to 42 meals consumed per week.