Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter 22: My Top Fat Burning Secrets

Weight Training Workouts

Any type of resistance training provides a benefit of targeting the muscle and focusing on building muscle that will support a caloric burning activity. Muscle Building activities cause good damage to the muscle to cause it to adapt and

repair itself with proper rest. The repair process helps consume more calories to repair the muscle. You receive a double metabolic fat burning effect when you perform resistance training exercises on a consistent basis.

**Take your resistance training to the next level and Burn even more fat by doing your resistance training with High Intensity NO REST Circuits working either opposing muscle groups or upper/lower body exercises.**

High Intensity Interval Cardio Workouts

Will Burn more calories during the exercise and help stimulate the metabolism at least 24 hours after your cardio workout.

Fitness Training Variety

Switch your programs about every 4 - 6 weeks to help create a new stimulus to your body. In the beginning of doing this new stimulus it will make it more
challenging for your body to adapt to this new training regime. This means your
body is typically in-efficient in the beginning of any new fitness training plan and this will allow you to burn more calories until you get adjusted to this new fitness workout. It’s time to mix it up again for even better long term results.

Target your Nutrition


Eat a higher protein diet. Consume high quality lean protein sources in all your Nutrition Plan meals and snacks during the day. Consuming more protein causes an additional thermic effect with your body and will help burn more calories. This

means that your metabolic rate will naturally increase from consuming protein with every meal. Supplementing with fish oil will help prevent disease and can boost your metabolism by as much as 400 calories per day and will help support body composition change as well.

Carbohydrate Cycling

Carb cycling is based on having three different carbohydrate intake levels during the week: high(er) carbs, moderate carbs, and low(er) carbs. Ideally these days are split according to your training schedule.

Carbohydrate Tapering

Is a technique used by focusing in on consuming all your starchy carbs early in the day and reducing down toNO Starchy Carbohydrates after your 3rdmeal of a 5-6 meal/day nutrition plan.
