Healthy Chemistry for Optimal Health by NISHANT BAX - HTML preview

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What Balanced Body Chemistry Means

The term body chemistry applies to all processes that occur inside the body from heartbeats to production of cells. All these processes are made possible by the chemicals that the body produces. From this definition of body chemistry, we can define balanced body chemistry as having the right amounts of chemicals that support the proper functioning of the body.

The health of a person is said to be good when his body chemistry is well balanced. To attain and maintain this balance, your body continually needs the nutrients provided by the food that you eat. You get proteins (amino acids), vitamin, minerals and fats which are used for maintaining and sustaining the operations of the body. Too much or too little of these nutrients could lead to health problems.

How does body chemistry affects your body? Every day, your biochemistry constantly changes. It changes when you eat, study, work, exercise, and sleep. When you eat, the sugar in your blood increases; after jogging your heart rate goes faster, or your blood pressure rises after arguing with somebody.

Whatever you do that leads to changes creates either a balance or imbalance in your body chemistry which means that these changes can be damaging or beneficial.

When your weight is just about right, meaning you are neither fat nor thin, your blood pressure is normal and you do not suffer from any kind of health problems; then, you have balanced body chemistry. Conversely, when you weigh more or less than you should, you are likely to have abnormal blood pressure and suffer from various health problems; then, you have imbalanced body chemistry.

What is a balanced pH and why is it important to balance body chemistry?

One of the most important aspects that contribute to body chemistry balance or imbalance is the amount of acid/akaline in your body. PH is the unit of measuring the acid or alkaline content in your body. A pH level lower than 7 means your body contains more acid while more than seven means your body contains more alkaline. The neutral pH level is 7.

It has been proven medically that when your urine and saliva is a bit over 7 PH level, your body works the best, although your blood PH is slightly alkaline. It is in this pH level that the body is equipped to fend off fatigue and illnesses. Your metabolism works well and you are able to keep your suitable weight.

A body suffering from over-acidity could face dangerous health problems over a long term because your body, to counter the acidity, is forced to get nutrients from your vital organs, weakening your body until it’s no longer able to perform its tasks.

Now that you already know the importance of balanced body chemistry, you will find the next chapters even more helpful.


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