Sled Dragging Report


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Pages: 32

Published: 14 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A FREE, ready-for-download eBook/report on Sled Dragging, a fun way to condition the body and increase fitness levels quickly. Download it now!

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Brian
    11 Apr 2023
    George Elliot is the pen name for the woman author. My motivation for reading was its recommendation as a book one must read being a classic. I could only stand to read about 100 pages and got disgusted. Way too many words to say simple things. Seems to attempt philosophical analysis of families and civilization in a roundabout way that serves better to confuse the reader. Basically, sounds like a romance novel relating the perceived foibles and anxiety of over-rich post-teen girls who have nothing else to do but express their marriage options and enjoy the life of today's billionaire heiresses.
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