Step by Step Weight Loss: With 150+ Weight Loss Tips by Julio Diaz - HTML preview

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150+ Weight Loss Tips

Many people search everyday how to lose weight fast. As a result, the weight loss industry is filled with products that make huge promises but often deliver next to no results. While there are many ways to lose weight fast, they are not all safe to do. Some fast weight loss methodsare just straight out dangers to even attempt. While you may end up losing a few pounds fast,  there may be a cost to your current health or possibly long term health... Here you will find 150+ Weight Loss Tips are scientifically backed and others proven to work from people who lost over 100 pounds!

These quick ways to lose weight are considered safe and effective. As you go through everything here, you will find the best way to lose weight fast for yourself. Not everyone is the same and therefore you need to find the right, healthy weight loss solution for you.... Enjoy!

Weight Loss Tips: Table of Contents

  1. Tips on How to Lose Weight Before Even Trying
  2. Tips on How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
  3. Cooking Tips to Lose Weight at Home
  4. Best Way to Lose Weight When Eating Out
  5. Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
  6. Exercise Tips To Lose Weight
  7. Odd Yet True Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast
  8. Best Tips to Lose Weight: Side Tips

Tips On How To Lose Weight Before Even Trying

These tips to lose weight fast are here to prepare you for your weight loss journey. That's right, here's a few things you need to do before even trying to lose weight. These tips on weight loss will get you in the right mind set so that you can achieve your weight loss goals.

1. Have a Clear Goal in Mind: The best way to lose weight fast is by having a clear goal in mind from the start. Write down how much weight you want to lose and by when. With this weight loss goal in mind, set up steps that will get you there. Maybe your weight loss plan will include these tips on how to lose weight, may be not. Whatever the case may be, keep reading to determine the best way to lose weight for you!

2. Determine WHY You Want to Lose Weight: Anyone can say they want to lose weight but if you don't know why you want to lose weight then you'll never actually lose weight. And simply saying you want to lose weight is not good enough. You need to have an emotional connection with your WHY. Losing weight can be tough, don't make it tougher by not knowing why you're even trying!

3. Take a Real Before Photo: You'll be more motivated by physically seeing your progress than by looking at a scale every day. You can even take a picture at the end of every week and see your progress. Having a photo is the best way to track your weight loss because sometimes the scale will not change in number, yet your body is changing to look sexier and leaner!

4. For Healthy Weight Loss, Don't Follow Fad Diets: Fad diets are those that try to reorganize the food pyramid so that you eat more of one food group or try to totally eliminate a food group all together. Yes, you may get some results at first, but they will ultimately lead you to gaining back all the weight and possibly even gaining more back!... Here's something scary... People who “diet” tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain ( Instead of relying on a special diet, make healthier choices every day of your life. This way you you become a healthier, happier, and fitter person!


5. Keep Track of Your Calories: People often want an easy way to lose weight, which is impossible. The ONLY easy way to lose weight is with surgery because then you don't need to do anything. However, if you don't change your lifestyle and continue eating like you did before, you'll gain the weight back in no time at all... To really lose weight, you'll need to do some work. One important thing to keep track of is your calories! This will make or break you. If you don't do this, then you might as well forget about losing weight. (Weight Loss Calorie Calculator Here)

"Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss," says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It

If you don't want to write down everything, then take a record of what you eat by taking pictures of EVERYTHING you eat. This will make you more conscious about what you place into your mouth. Plus, it will allow you to easily review everything you eat every day.

6. Never Eat Less Than 1,200 Calories1: Once you eat below 1,200 calories for too long, your body will go into starvation mode. This means that your body will begin to slow down your metabolism (you burn less calories), your body begins to store everything you eat (because your body thinks it may not get food later), and your body begins to destroy muscle tissue for energy instead of fat.

7. 3,500 Calories is 1 Pound Lost: Here's another reason you need to keep track of calories. When you burn or eat at a calorie deficit, you can lose one pound for every 3,500 calories. Once you figure out how many calories you need to eat to maintain your weight, simply subtract 500 calories from your daily requirement in order to lose about one pound every week! Any good weight loss diet plan will help you figure out how many calories you need to be taking in.


8. Set a Few Simple Goals Every Morning: A quick way to lose weight is by setting little goals to do every single day. Rather it's 10 push ups in the morning, working out for 5 minutes longer, or eating more vegetables... Make simple goals that you can accomplish and add on every single day.

9. Reward System: Decide how you're going to reward yourself every week or month when you achieve your small goals. Rather it be eating correctly for a week, losing 2 pounds in a week, or working out 5 days out of the week. Give yourself a little reward once you accomplish a smaller goal that's leading to your large goal. For example, a new book, a spa treatment, some new clothes, or anything else you find rewarding that's NOT food related.


10. The Anti-Reward: Don't care much for rewards? Studies have shown that we are actually more motivated from preventing loss than gaining something. So find something that would cause you to lose out. For example, if you can't exercise 5 days in a week or eat right for the whole week, then you will donate $100 to a cause you don't believe in. It has to be in something you don't believe in because you have to make this hurt. Or give $100 to someone who isn't deserving! Check out this site for some help:

11. Be Aware of Food Addiction: A study completed in 2014 of 196,211 individuals found that 19.9% of people fulfill the criteria for food addiction ( If you suffer through cravings that are so strong that you can't overcome them, then you may be food addict. If this is the case, seek help because all the weight loss tips in the world will not help you until you deal with your addiction.

12. Tap into Your Emotional Well Being: A 2015 Orlando Health survey found that people have trouble losing weight and keeping it off because of their mood. For example, during times of stress, sadness, or other negative emotions; people may eat foods that they shouldn't. In order to see if you fall into this category, write down how you feel when you eat. A good place to put this in is in your Food Journal. Once you see a pattern of how you feel and what you eat, you can take steps to create new and positive coping strategies. For example, taking a walk instead of eating a tub of ice cream.

13. Don't Go On a Diet if You're Stressed: Being on a lot of stress will not allow you to lose weight easily. If anything, this will cause you more stress because you'll feel limited on what you can eat.

Tips on How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

People often ask: "what can i do to lose weight fast?", well here's a few things you can do right now that are great to help you lose weight and can be beneficial to your health in the long term if you continue following these simple tips.

14. Eat More Vegetables: All weight loss meal plans must include vegetables because they are high in nutrition and super low in calories. Think about it... We only feel hungry because our bodies need nutrition. Once our bodies get the nutrition it desires, the hunger goes away. And if you eat nothing but crap, it's going to take a lot of crap to finally feel full. Additionally, studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to weigh less (

15. Eat Breakfast: People who eat breakfast, will eat less during the rest of the day. Try eating more protein at the beginning of the day so that you'll feel fuller longer. Studies show that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours, and lose more weight and more body fat (,

16. Drink More Water: You've heard this before in many other tips for losing weight fast... And it's true... The quickest way to lose weight is to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This is important because water helps you efficiently metabolize fat. When you don't have enough water in your diet to lose weight, you're slowing down the fat loss process. In fact, Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours, helping you burn off a few more calories (,


17. Stop Drinking Soda: If you love drinking soda every day, the fastest way to lose weight is for you to stop! And also stop drinking sugary drinks... It doesn't matter if it's Diet and says 0 calories! Many people who stop drinking soda and other sugary drinks often lose up to 10 pounds with no effort at all beyond that!

18. Stop Drinking Your Calories: If you need to lose weight fast (this falls under fast weight loss tricks), you need to stop drinking your calories entirely! This is mainly soda like mentioned before but also juices. Juices have been found to have as much sugar as a soft drink like coke ( Additionally, research has shown that drinking calories is not the same as eating calories. Think about it, eating a nice healthy sandwich will be about 600 calories and about 3 cans of coke will be about the same... However, the sandwich will have you feeling full, while you'll still want something to eat if you only drink coke. Meal replacement shakes DO NOT fall under here, those are designed to help you feel full.

19. Get Tempting Foods Out Of The House: This means get rid of a all junk food in the house... Chips, candy, frozen dinners, soft drinks, juices, and anything else that has almost no nutritional value what so ever. By getting rid of the junk food, you'll greatly decrease the desire to snack on something you shouldn't be eating... Besides, with the proper weight loss meal plan, you will feel full all day so you don't need the unhealthy and salty snacks!

20. Do Not Binge at Home: Have trouble controlling how much you eat of your favorite food? For example, ice cream or other treats... Then do not have it around your house. Instead, eat those foods only when you go out to eat.

21. Eat Only From a Plate: The best weight loss plan includes you eating the correct amount of food and the way you track that is by making sure you can account for everything you eat. So never stand in front of a frig snacking on foods or walking around looking for something to snack on!

22. Eat From a Smaller Plate: If you’re not following a weight loss meal plan, then you need to at least start eating less food. You can achieve this by using smaller plates. Normally dinner plates range from 10 to 14 inches and the bad thing about this is that many of us will fill this plate with food. Instead, you want to use a salad plate that’s about 7 to 9 inches wide, which will help you not to eat so much. WebMD stated the following: "A smaller plate full of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with that same amount of food on it."


23. Eat Only One Serving: Often one serving is more than enough to help you feel full. In order to achieve this, make sure that you don’t place any extra food on the table for people to get seconds. By having the food right in front of you, you’ll feel like you have to eat more. Remember to pace yourself, your mind takes 20 minutes to find out it's full.

24. Don't Focus on What You Can't Have: Instead of focusing on what you can't eat, focus on what you can eat. For example, more vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, fish, legumes, nuts, and fruits.

25. Start Preparing Your Own Meals in Advance: The best way to lose weight fast is by taking into account everything you eat. The best way to do this is by preparing your own meals in advance. Many people plan 5-7 days in advance so that they know what they're eating every single day.

26. Keep Healthy Foods Around in Case You Get Hungry: Too far to your next healthy meal? Then make sure to always have a few healthy choices around you to prevent you from picking unhealthy foods. A few possible snacks includes: whole fruits, a handful of nuts, baby carrots, yogurt, or a hard boiled egg (or two).


27. Stick to a Few of Your Favorite Meals: Weight loss can be very easy by simply repeating and rotating a few simple meals that you know are the right serving size for your weight loss goals. For example, many people who go through the 21 Day Fix system, will prepare their foods in advance like those below:


28. Keep Your Hands Busy: Love munching while watching TV? Then find something to keep your hands busy. For example, take up knitting, sewing, doing your nails, or anything else you can think of!

29. Cravings Go Away: On average, most craving go away after 20 minutes. This means you need to find something to distract you until that junk food craving passes by.

30. Get the Healthy Alternative: Craving some junk that just won't go away? Then find a similar but healthier alternative. There are many healthy recipes online that are healthy alternatives to what you're craving!

31. Swap Your Go to Meals: Have a go to meal that's made up of a lot of carbs? Change this meal for something that has less carbs and possibly something with a lean protein. Making this simple switch will help add up to a big difference.

32. Don't Eat While Watching TV: A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that paying attention while eating can aid weight loss efforts while distracted eating can lead to a long-term increase in food consumption. This means, you need to start eating at a table so that you can concentrate on how much you're eating. So, stay away from eating when watching TV or any other form of entertainment.

Cooking Tips to Lose Weight at Home

Here are a few easy weight loss tips that you can make use of in your kitchen. Losing weight is all about eating right and these weight loss tips will help you accomplish that.

33. When Eating Tuna: Tuna is a healthy and lean protein source. In order to save up to a 1/3 of your calories, pick water packed tuna over the oil packed.

34. Sauté Foods: When you sauté foods use non-stick cooking spray. If you have none, use a paper towel to rub oil onto your pan so that you have the lightest possible coating.

35. Cook with Coconut Oil: While there are several healthy oils on the market, one of the more healthier ones is coconut oil, which is high in special fats called medium chain triglycerides, these are metabolized differently than other fats. These fats have been shown to boost metabolism by 120 calories per day, shrink your waistline, and also reduce your appetite so that you eat up to 256 fewer calories per day (,

36. Add Coconut Oil to Rice! Still can't give up the white rice? Here's some good news for you. By adding coconut oil to your rice, you can cut up to 60% of your calories. Here's how to cook rice now:

Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and a half cup of non-fortified white rice to a pot of boiling water. Cook it for about 40 minutes, stick it in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and enjoy the rice either cold or reheated.

Why does this work?... When the rice begins to cool, its glucose molecules form tight bonds called resistant starch. This type of starch, as the name implies, is resistant to digestion, meaning the body is not able to absorb as many calories or as much of the glucose (a nutrient that’s stored as fat if it’s not burned off) from each molecule. Now, as the rice cooks, the fat molecules from the coconut oil find their way into the rice and act as an additional digestion barrier. Best of all, the research team found that reheating the rice didn’t change the levels of resistant starch (as it does with pasta and potatoes), so this calorie-slashing cooking hack is safe for leftovers, too.

37. Sweets & Treats: If you have any sweets or any other "junk food" around for your family or guests, do not buy your favorite ones. This way you're not as tempted to eat it yourself.

38. Invest in Single Serving Containers: Having single serving containers allows you to easily pack left overs for a later meal. Additionally, these containers can be used to prepare several meals in advance.

39. Use a Tiny Spoon While Sampling: If you're sampling a lot when cooking, simply eat less during that meal. These "little" tastes you have while cooking can often lead to several extra calories.

40. Cool Your Toast & Basked Potatoes: When using butter on toast and baked potatoes, let them cool off a little so that it doesn't absorb much butter.

41. Chew Sugarless Gum: When cooking, chew on sugarless gum so that you're not tempted to nibble on what you're cooking.

42. Switch to Mustard: Mustard has no fat vs 11g in 1 Tbsp of mayonnaise.

43. Shop at the Perimeter of the Store: By walking around the perimeter of the grocery store, you'll find the fresh fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy. Only go into the inside aisle with a list of what you need.

44. Stop Frying Your Meats: Don't fry your fish, poultry or other cuts of lean meat. Only broil, roast or grill them.

45. Give Away Temptation: After a dinner party, pack up your desserts and give it away to your visitors. This way you're not stuck with eating it.

46. Flavor Your Meals: Try changing up your meals by using fresh or dried herbs and spices, salsa, vinegar or lemon.

47. Pile on the Veggies: Try creating healthy alternatives of what you love to eat and when possible add on extra vegetables! Adding extra vegetables will help you feel fuller, faster.

48. Make Only One Meal: If you have a family don't try to make your own healthy meal and then have a separate meal for the rest of your family. It's best to have everyone eating the same thing. This way you don't get tempted to try something you shouldn't be eating.


49. Plan, Plan, Plan: Not having healthy options in mind or on hand makes it easy to resort to unhealthy options. Especially when you have a family. Plan meals ahead of time so that you can stay on course!

Best Way to Lose Weight When Eating Out

Many meal plans for weight loss will often not let you eat out, especially at fast food joints because they are high in fat, sodium, and of course calories. However, if you must eat out, here are few tips on how to lose weight fast while eating out...

50. Eat At Least 90% of Your Meals At Home: People looking for the best way to lose weight fast have to make their own meals because the portion sizes that restaurants serve are crazy! Many times one meal out includes all the calories you should have eaten throughout the day. So make your own healthy and delicious meals at home whenever possible.


51. Research in Advance: Know which restaurant you're going to in advance? Then check out their menu online. Many restaurants place the calorie count and other nutritional information online. Find the healthiest meal you can get.

52. Wear Tight Clothes: When going out wear tight fitting under clothes or tighten your belt. This feeling of restriction will send "stuff" signals to your brain... Think about it, we often loosen our belts when we get too full... Tighten up one time so that you feel full ;)

53. Refuse the Bread Basket: Many places severe some amazing bread but this is not good for your diet. It's best not to have it on your table then try to limit yourself, which can often fail.

54. Don’t Eat With Large Groups of People: A study published in the Journal of Physiological Behavior discovered that we tend to eat more when we eat with other people because we tend to spend more time at the table. However, eating with your family allows you to spend time talking in between bites, which will help cut down on how much you eat.

55. Order First: If eating in a group, be the first to order so that you don't feel pressured to order something else based on what others order.

56. Order the Smallest Portion Possible: If you’re looking for the fastest way to lose weight you need to cut down on your calories. Do this by buying the smaller sized item, possibly even ordering from the kids menu. Remember, many of us will keep eating simply because there is food in front of us. You can avoid this by not having a lot of food in front of you!

57. When You Eat Out, Split a Meal: Looking for easy weight loss tips? Here's one and it'll save you money! As mentioned earlier, the portion sizes at restaurants are HUGE! So much so that it can easily fill at least two people, so split your meal with someone else. Saves you calories and saves you money!

58. Save Food At Restaurants: Don't have someone to share your large meal when you eat out? Here's a simple weight loss tip, tell your waitress to package half your meal to go. This way you don't end up eating more than you should and you'll have food for another meal!

59. Restaurant Keywords To Look For: When deciding what to eat at a restaurant, look for the following keywords in the description: grilled, baked, sauteed, steamed, over-fried, roasted, marinara, and primavera. Although most restaurant foods will still be high in calories and salt content, you can at least choose these healthier options.


60. Don't Eat Your Kids Left Overs: It will be difficult to see food thrown away but every single bite counts when you're trying to lose weight. Either save the leftovers or give them to your dog.

61. Sub in Veggies When You Eat Out: Many restaurants now offer the option to have a small side salad or steamed veggies instead of fries. If they don't, you can still ask. This is a great way to eat healthier and don't tell yourself that you just won't eat your fries because once they're in front of you, it will be too tempting to ignore.

62. Eating a Sandwich? First off, you should be using whole wheat bread over white bread and second have your sandwich be open faced. This means taking off the top piece of bread. This alone can safe you 70 to 90 calories. If you're still feeling hungry, eat some baby carrots or sugar snap peas. These veggies are loaded with fiber and water, which can help aid satiety and weight loss efforts.

63. Don't Order the Salmon! Many people have heard that salmon is packed with heart healthy omega-3s and belly flattening protein. However, this is talking about Wild Salmon. Currently, about 90% of the salmon eaten in the United States is farmed salmon, not from nature. As a result, unlike the proteins and fats that can truly help you lose weight, farmed salmon can have the opposite effect on your weight loss journey. Either ask if the salmon is farmed or wild, or simply stay away from it.

64. Ask For Salad Dressing on the Side: Rather you're eating a salad or another meal that contains a sauce, make sure to have the sauce placed on the side so that you control how much you actually eat. When eating a salad, dip your fork in the dressing first before getting some salad to eat. Do not pour the salad dressing on your salad.

65. Buffet or Dinner Party?: When you have the option to serve yourself at a buffet or dinner party, look at everything that's available first. Determine what high calorie food you want the most and only fill a quarter of your plate with this food. The remainder of your plate save for lighter foods like cut up vegetables, hummus, grilled chicken, and so on...

66. Cut Back a Different Meal: Ended up eating too much on one of your meals? Then make sure to cut back on the other meals you have left in your day.

67. Avoid the Health Halo: Do you believe products from specialty supermarkets to be healthier than those from other grocery stores? Or do you think dishes from organic or vegan restaurants are better for your waistline? If you answered yes to these questions, you could be ruining your chances of losing weight! According to the Journal of Consumer Research, most people believe that a sandwich at a "healthy" restaurant will have 35% less calories than that of a "unhealthy" restaurant. Remember to still check the Nutrition Label, no matter where you get your food.

Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

Here are a few more foods to eat for weight loss and some not to eat. Again, this is not etched in stone, however, most meal plans for weight loss will have these guidelines and several others.

68. Eat Water Rich Foods to Eat Less Calories: Research from Pennsylvania State University found that eating water rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, soups, and salads reduces the number of calories you take in by helping you feel full. Remember, simply drinking water will not make you feel full because your body uses two different mechanisms to process solids and liquids.

69. Avoid White Foods (Refined Carbs): There is some truth behind eliminating carbs in order to lose weight. However, you should be eliminating or greatly decreasing the unhealthy carbs like white flour, white rice, and of course white sugar. Instead, you need to be eating whole-grain breads and brown rice. In a study by Harvard, 74,000 women who ate more than two daily servings of whole grains were 49% less likely to be