The 12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Growth by Vince Del Monte - HTML preview

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Why Body·Part Specialization Training is the Answer


When you focus on one specific body part and subject it to a short-term program of serious training, you can change the way your entire body looks, without bulking and without seeing gains anywhere else. Look at it this way, when you're already big, gaining two to three pounds of muscle overall isn't going to be very noticeable. But when you add two to three pounds of muscle to your arms, this is immediately noticeable.

This is why movie stars train their shoulders, upper chest and arms so heavily when they're getting in shape for a film. They know that small gains in these areas can make them appear to have 20-pounds more muscle overall.

The other exciting thing about body-part specialization training is that your body's recovery resources are all channeled toward that one specific area. While you don't stop training the rest of the muscle groups while you focus on your arms, shoulders or whichever area you choose, you do decrease the intensity of your work on the rest of the body. By doing this your body is able to focus recovery in the area that's working the hardest. This is why you'll see gains in size much more quickly.

Body·Part Specialization Training Done Right

Like any very specific method of training, body-part spe- cialization training has to be done properly in order to be effective as well as safe. There are also several ways to make it easier to incorporate it into your program.

First, as I said a moment ago, you need to tone down the intensity on the rest of the body while you focus on your chosen body part. I strongly suggest you choose your weakest link, whatever it may be. Maximize Your Muscle includes specialization routines for the shoulder and v-ta per, the biceps and the chest, because these are the areas most guys typically want to target.

To ensure that you're giving 1oo% to your specialization routine, prioritize it on your schedule.

To ensure that you're giving 100% to your specialization routine, prioritize it on your schedule. Make it part of your first workout of the week and make your specialization part the first part of your workout. You also want to prioritize that part as far as frequency and volume - you hit it harder and you hit it most often.

What to Expect

Aside from the results that I've already explained, there are a few other things you should be expecting and ready for when you get started on body-part specialization.

First of all, you're going to be worn out. This is a tough workout. You don't coast through this one. It's not the type of workout where your attention can wander in different directions; it's hard. You're going to feel like you are overtraining, but remember that all of your recovery resources are being directed at this area of your body. You're not actually overtraining. How- ever, you are going to feel it. For example, if training your arms, they will feel like they're go- ing to fall off. If training your chest, it will feel like someone hit you with their car. As with all new routines, things will get better but prepare for it to kick your butt in the beginning. You will need to follow this kind of one-part focus with a period of deloading to allow that super- recovery process to take place.

Worth It Many Times Over

Like I've said, this is a tough phase and you are going to be working