The 12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Growth by Vince Del Monte - HTML preview

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First things first - thanks so much for finding your way to my website and taking an interest in downloading this free report. I promise that this information has the potential to help you not just hit your genetic potential, but go beyond it, so I'm extremely excited for you.

But before we discuss the 12 untapped targets to igniting new muscle growth, let's get you to think beyond fitness and muscle for a moment.

What do I mean when I say, "This information can be life-changing in the literal sense?"

Some of the untapped targets we discuss are going to go over your head, some are going to sound "repackaged," some are going to be brand-spanking new and some will be life- changing content, but all of it is the real deal and works!

Whether you're a male or female, young or old, new to weight training or experienced, I'm confident this information will "stir you up" at a deeper level of your being.


Yes, this report will contain information to help you go beyond your genetic potential in the gym, and if you want to be the biggest, baddest, muscle-bound guy  or gal, it certainly has the ability to do that and much more.

Yes, this report will help you bust through any rut or wall that you've hit, even if you can't remember the last time you built muscle.

Yes, this report will reveal content on how to build the first 25 pounds of muscle or the last 5 pounds of muscle your body needs - so you're in full control of how your body turns out.

Whatever YOUR goals, I support you in all of them. However, this report will reveal more than just the physical level accomplishments in life.

The execution and application of this information will help you prove to yourself that if you can go beyond your genetic potential in the gym - why could you not go beyond your genetic potential outside of the gym?

My famous quote that I've been sharing the past 10 years, since I went from being nicknamed Skinny Vinny to The Skinny Guy Savior is this:

"It takes the same person and the same qualities to live large inside the gym as it does to live large outside of the gym."

- Said by me

That's what gets me jumping out of bed each morning! The muscle is just a platform and launching pad to prove to myself that if I can build myself up physically then I can build myself up intellectually, relationally and spiritually.

  If you can build big muscles then why can't you build a big business?

•     If you can get rid of all your excess fat then why can't you get rid of your excess financial debt?

  If you can learn new exercises then why can't you learn a new language?

•     If you can get out of your comfort zone in the gym then why can't you get out of your comfort zone in a new relationship?

  If you can commit to working out a certain number of days each week then why can't you commit to reading a book or going to church a certain number of days each week?

Knowing that the gym is just a place where you practice life, gives muscle-building and fat- burning goals a fresh outlook.

Again, whatever