The 12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Growth by Vince Del Monte - HTML preview

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1. GROWTH IS NORMAL. There is a myth in life that states it's normal to hit a plateau - I disagree. Yes, it happens but that does not mean it's normal. Life is not static, it's dynamic and it's moving - you are either growing or you're dying - there is no in between. To not be growing is not normal and if you've hit a plateau in your muscle growth or fat burning - I applaud you for acknowledging that this is a problem that needs to be fixed and I will reassure you that it can be fixed. I hate the word maintenance - I hate it with a passion. To me this means, "I just want to stay where I am at." As you read through this report, you'll see that I'm going to do my best to weed out as many people as possible because blowing beyond your potential life is only for the top 1% of society. I am not so naive as to think that everyone wants to look and be better than the norm. My message is for those who believe it is possible to blow beyond their genetic potential.

2. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT YOU'VE HIT A PLATEAU. In fact, you had no other option but to plateau! Please, don't blame yourself for an extra second. Research and science geeks claim: "It's an unavoidable condition..." or "Everyone hits a plateau eventually..." I agree with the nerds. Catching a plateau is like catching a virus - eventually it's your turn. At some point your gains have slowed - and you're just like the other 99% of the world - myself included. So congratulations... you're normal! But who wants to be "normal" anyway? You don't want to look like a "normal" guy  or gal-you want to look like something greater.

Well, you're probably thinking how amazing it would be to blast through that plateau and go beyond -- WAY BEYOND - your genetic potential. If you have ever wanted an awe-inspiring one-of-a-kind body, well that's normal too. That's right: it's normal to want something beyond the norm.

3. I AM THE FACE OF MY MESSAGE. What in the world does that mean? I wouldn't expect you to listen to me or trust me if my message had not worked on myself. That's probably why I have a hard time respecting a T.V. show host (I won't name him) who talks about weight loss and writes books on weight loss but has about 30 lbs of fat to lose himself! The 12 Untapped Targets are the same targets I used to climb from my plateau of 190 pounds to 210 pounds - nearly 20 new pounds of muscle - over the course of two years. And it's much more than your gym's trainer certification program, which is nothing more than a weekend course followed by a photo pasted on the gym wall.

4. DID YOU KNOW 95% OF PROGRAMS YOU’VE TRIED HAVE THE PLATEAU BUILT RIGHT INTO THE PROGRAM? How do I know this? You see... unlike all those self-proclaimed fitness gurus you run into online, my programs also comes backed by science and REAL WORLD experience. In 2002, I received my Kinesiology degree from the University of Western Ontario. Not some bogus online diploma mill or liberal arts degree. And it's much more than your gyms own trainer certification program, which are nothing more than a weekend course foll