The 12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Growth by Vince Del Monte - HTML preview

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The Mechanism  Behind Maximize Your Muscle & Blowing Beyond Your Genetic Potential

With the re-opening of my masterpiece muscle-building program, Maximize Your Muscle, I'm going to help you add more lean muscle than you've been able to achieve before, and not only hit your genetic limits but blow beyond them. I'm extremely excited about re-opening this program for you because it's already been followed by more than 5,000 students. For the past few years I've worked on it and tweaked it to perfection through practice in my own training, extensive education and through testing it with bodybuilding friends and private clients.

This program takes everything I learned as an Honors Kinesiology graduate from Western University and everything I've learned through practical application in the gym and combines it into a program that takes you beyond your genetic limits - regardless of your age or genetics.

PhaseBuilding Overview


This program is unique in three ways; it uses a specialized kind of periodization that I call PhaseBuilding, to create a 360-degree attack on muscle gains. It targets both muscle hypertrophy and muscle hyperplasia, which we'll talk more about in just a moment, and it uses 12 specific steps to target specific responses from your metabolism, your nervous system and your muscles.


1. PhaseBuilding: 360-degree attack on muscle gains

2. Muscle Hypertrophy & Muscle Hyperplasia

3. 12 Specific Steps to target specific responses

I've used these techniques myself to experience the best muscle gains of my life and to do it without the frustration and discouragement of hitting plateaus. This program is an improved and far more effective version of a program I designed a few years back that helped me to add 20 pounds of new muscle in three years. This is the programming that helped me climb from 190 lbs to 210 lbs while keeping my abs in sight the entire transformation.

There are 12 steps or phases to this program, each one aimed at what I call your "untapped anabolic targets.


These are very specific areas and types of training that stimulate specific responses from your metabolic system, your nervous system, your hormonal system and your muscles. When

used sequentially, they will blow your expectations and your past results right out of the water. If you're only using one or a handful of these methods, (which you probably are currently) you're not seeing the gains that are possible for you. But if you utilize all of them in a skillfully organized fashion, by building each one on to the other (PhaseBuilding), you will be engaged in a 360-degree approach to muscle building unlike anything you have done before.

You Need to Understand a Few Things before You Begin

Before we talk more about the specifics of the program, you need to understand a few things about all of those plateaus that have stopped or slowed you down before.

First, plateaus are not normal; growth is. Yes, we have all experienced plateaus and if you're doing the same thing all the time and expecting to keep getting results, you are going to plateau. Our bodies adapt to what we demand of them and they do it quickly and efficiently.

However, a plateau do