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Workout Techniques for Busy People 1

Once you have decided how you want to work out it is time to get physically. Choosing a routine is dependent on whether you choose to work out at the gym or at home, so here are some easy routines to get you started and ease your transition into exercise and workouts. Here are some great workout techniques you can do in the home or office.

Exercising in the Home or Office

If you have chosen to exercise at home, you can of course hire or buy the same equipment you can access at the gym, but if you want something cheaper and more portable, consider buying a mat, an exercise ball and some dumbbells or weights and exercise elastics. Buy an exercise DVD to help you with your cardio workouts. With this basic equipment, you have a gym in a bagy, you  can carry everywhere. Remember as with all exercise, seek medical advice before you start working out to ensure there are no medical reasons why you should not exercise.

A suitable workout routine with this equipment would be to alternate days to provide cardio workouts using the DVD 3-4 days a week and using the other equipment 3-4 days a week. The equipment provides resistance and strength exercises while the interval cardio activities provide calorie-burning workouts.

Great Ideas for Home Work Outs Using Basic Equipment

Warm up for 5 minutes with 5 minutes of light cardio or warm up exercises (your exercise DVD usually has a great warm up activity. Then try out these great activities that work your arms and thighs. Do each activity 15 times and repeat them 3 times each to create a workout circuit.

1. Biceps Hammer Curls

Take a medium to heavy dumbbell in each hand and hold your palms upwards curled around the dumbbell held tightly length ways in the palm of your hand. Keep your shoulders tucked in close to your chest. Slowly bend your arms at the elbow, bringing your arms towards your chest. Stop just before you touch your chest and slowly straighten out your arm again, so that just your forearm is moving and your upper arm stays firm against your chest wall.

Challenge yourself by balancing on one leg and switching legs to engage your core muscles and increase the resistance and level of difficulty of the exercise.

2. Lateral Shoulder Raises

Stand with feet slightly apart and knees held loose. Take a medium to heavy dumb bell in each hand and hold them by the side of your body. Slowly lift your arms keeping them straight to shoulder height, then lower them slowly again.

3. Bicycles for Abdominal Workouts

Lie on your back on a mat and curl your knees under your close to your chest. Extend one leg out and lower it keeping it straight. Hold the position then pull the leg in close to your body again and repeat with the other leg.