AND FICTION ...................................... 13
Is fat essential in a healthy diet? 13
What is fat? 14
Protein is the keystone of human nutrition, 14
Carbohydrates are a main source of energy, 15
Fats— What they are and what they do to you, 16
How are fats digested? 17
How are fats absorbed? 18
How fats damage or destroy your arteries, 19
Fat may be your "poison,9' 21
How much fat are you stowing away? 22
Take a lesson from the pig, 25
3. FAT, THE KILLER, ON TRIAL .................... 27
Here is how I entered the race, 27
Is cholesterol and excess fat present in the blood of
everyone with atherosclerosis? 28
What about the factor of heredity? 29
Is there an excess of fat imbedded in the artery
wall itself? 31
Are there other conditions that cause heart attacks
and strokes? 33
The role of the liver in protecting you from excess
fats, 34
lsnt there some medicine that will stop f at from
causing heart attacks? 34
Many other fat preventing agents have been dis -
covered and found wanting, 35
How the low-fat diet proved its value, 36
The low-fat diet proved to be effective in reducing
weight and promoting general good health, 38