Think, Act., Love, Lose Weight by Shane Jeremy James - HTML preview

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To my best friend and business partner, Jennifer, thank you for all your support in helping make all my dreams come true. I have enjoyed our journey together, and look forward to many more years to come. You are a living example of unconditional love and support, and the smart-est businesswoman I know. You are an inspiration in this world. Thank you.

To my Mom, who has always been there by my side, through the good times and the bad times. I would not be the person I am today if you had not supported me when I really needed it. I could not ask for a better mom.

To my Dad, whom I always knew I could turn to when I needed to. Thanks for being there for me, being a part of my life, and helping with this book launch. I am excited for many more great years to come.

To my Grandma and Grandpa James, who never got a chance to see this book launched. However, I do know you are watching from above. I will always love you and miss you with all my heart.

To my brother, who is the most loyal person that I know.

There is nothing that could ever come between us. Thanks for being someone I can always count on, no matter what happens in our lives. You have always had my back, and I will always have yours. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing I have a brother I can count no matter what.

To my PR agent, Imal Wagner, by far the best PR agent in the business. Thanks for taking the time with me, teaching me so much, believing in me. You really walk your talk, and want your clients to succeed at an extraordinary level.

You’re a great friend, and I look forward to many more business endeavors together.


To my auntie Ellen, thank you for taking the time to step up and help me with the book when I really needed it. This book came to completion because of your help. I appreciate it so much.

To Lil, my main editor of the book, who got the job done in a rush with no complaints. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. I look forward to many more years of business success and great friendship.

Thank you to my best friend, Kelly Bangert, who wrote the foreword for the book. Not only do you understand how to make millions of dollars, more importantly, you are a great friend and family man. It was like we were brothers the first time we met. I am happy to have you in my life.

Justin, who did the design of the book and all my CD

programs, your work is great and the speed with which you get things done is hard to find. I look forward to many more years of friendship and business success together.

I would like to thank one of mentors, John Volken. You always give me the time to come and see you and all the business advice I need. It’s a privilege to be a part of your life.

I would like to thank you, the reader, for opening up your mind to new possibilities. Whatever you believe, you really can achieve. I am a walking example.




Shane Jeremy James un-

derstands how to help people

lose weight. He knows the most important part of losing weight

is to first change your thinking.

He understands why fad diets

don’t work, and would never

create one. The truth is, if I

could describe my friend Shane,

I would say he is by far one of

the most motivated people I

have ever met in my life. He

will do whatever it takes to help

By Kelly Bangert you get lasting results.

When I first met Shane, we connected instantly, and to this day are like brothers. I could not think of anybody better for you to learn from to achieve all your weight and life goals. I believe Shane rose so fast in the motivational speaking area because of one thing, and that’s his ability to connect with people. He really cares about people and their success. I think that’s why he has been dubbed “the people’s guru”. He will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes to help you achieve your goals.

He understands human behavior and human psychology better than most people I know. This really separates him from any other weight loss expert. Shane has also walked in your shoes; he has had the struggles you have had with your weight issues, and he has found ways to lose the weight and keep it off forever. Shane has never yo-yo dieted. He lost the weight and never gained it back; and that’s when he created the program you are presented with in this book. There is great power in that, and you should understand that if you model what Shane has done, you can get the exact same results. This book is written by somebody who truly understands what it takes to lose the weight, but more importantly, lose the weight forever.


One of the things I appreciate about this book is that Shane doesn’t preach at you from a high level; he speaks to you and teaches you like a trusted friend, who just happens to be extremely motivated, and has learned and discovered principles that most people don’t know. He brings these principles to you in a way that is easy to learn and understand. Shane goes in-depth into the aspects of changing your psychology and mindset, but he doesn’t stop there. He then teaches you everything you need to know about nutrition, and gives you a full exercise program you can do at home. To me, this is a well-rounded weight loss book. Before I wrote this foreword, I looked at many other weight loss books on the market, and most were missing certain aspects to really help people change their weight and keep it off forever. Some would talk about the mind, but had nothing to say about nutrition; others would talk about nutrition, but not about the mind. Others would just talk about exercise, but not about the other two. This is why most of these other programs just give people false hope. You will notice a common theme in this book. There are no exaggerated theories or sales pitches to gain your attention. All the information is true, sound advice to create lasting change in your weight.

Shane has not only become one of my best friends, but we have also done business together. In his business life, he understands more than anybody the importance of having a strong mind, confidence, passion, and a strong belief system. He brings those same traits from his highly successful business world into the weight loss world. You get a lot more in this book than just the principles of weight loss. This book has the potential to shape your whole life.

Shane is an unbelievable teacher, mentor, and friend, and if you ever get a chance to meet him in person, you will understand what I mean.


Kelly grew up with a single mom and an older brother and sister, on welfare. They were very poor during his childhood, and received public assistance and food stamps for many years. He wore his brother’s hand-me-down clothing, and did not experience new clothes until he was sixteen and had a job of his own. At the age of 21, Kelly became a police officer. He was struck by tragedy, injured in the line of duty, and medically retired from the police depart-ment. After that, Kelly started numerous businesses, and quickly made well over three million dollars. He is also one of the seven highest income earners in the direct sales industry - worldwide. Kelly made $3,408,500 in just nine months in the direct sales industry.
