Think, Act., Love, Lose Weight by Shane Jeremy James - HTML preview

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As I stood in the bookstore, looking at all the different diet books, I counted over 100 books claiming to have the best solution. I am an expert in the weight loss industry and even I was getting confused. How must the average person feel? Overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated, I would imagine.

Every month a new guru comes out with a weight loss

book, or a well-known guru repackages his message in a

different way. And yet, according to the World Health Organization, one billion adults are overweight, and at least 300 mil ion of them are clinical y obese. If people keep gaining weight at the current rate, fat will be the norm by 2015, with 75 percent of U.S. adults overweight, and 41 percent of them obese. As you’re reading this, every 18 minutes someone dies of diet-related health issues, and not only obese people, but also those who are “just” overweight. Diet-related diseases are the biggest killer in the United States today.

And the problem is not restricted to the U.S.; it is becoming a global epidemic. It even has a name: globesity.

The majority of countries in the world have mass numbers of overweight and obese people.

When I pulled each and every one of those weight loss books off the shelf and skimmed through them, it was not hard to figure out why the mass majority of them do not work. Let’s be honest. If they did work, the world’s population would not be getting fatter and fatter, and we would not be dying at a rapid rate from this problem. A large portion of these diet books that I read through are just a cash grab making the gurus sel ing them mil ions of dol ars, and giving people false hope in their moment of weakness.

We have all heard the saying, “If you keep doing the same things, you wil keep getting the same results.” That’s what happens with most people trying to lose weight. They go from book to book, program to program, guru to guru, and never get lasting results.


My commitment to you is to show you the only way that you can lose the weight and keep it off forever. This challenge is designed so that you never again have to pick up another weight loss book, hope for another guru to come along with something new, or be manipulated by the clever marketing techniques in the weight loss industry that give you a false sense of hope.

Together, we are going to create a healthy nation. This will be the biggest movement that you will ever be involved in. Right now the world is ready for something completely different. You are about to be part of something that has never been done before. We are going to totally revolution-ize the weight loss industry.

It is important to me that you realize that I have walked in your shoes. I am not one of those experts who is going to teach you how to lose weight and say I know how you feel when I have never been there.

In this book, you will learn the strategies that transformed me from being an extremely unhappy person, addicted to drugs, 65 pounds overweight, broke, with no place to live, and with no sense of direction, to a centered, in-shape, healthy individual who beat food and a drug addictions. Today, I not only have great relationships and the opportunity for unlimited success, but I am also being mentored by millionaires, becoming financially free, and appearing on TV. I have become a best-selling author, co-authoring books with the likes of Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and Dr. Wayne Dyer, while I live my dream of being a motivational speaker. Most importantly, I have the privilege of helping hundreds of thousands of people across the world live better lives.

I was just a small town boy who grew up in a town of 1000 people on the prairies in Canada, when I left with some really big dreams and moved to a city of over 2

million people. If I can overcome the struggles that I have overcome, each and every one of you has the ability to create whatever you want in this world. I am going to show you how. Even though this book is about weight loss, you will be able to apply the many strategies and techniques viii

you will learn in all areas of your life. Each and every one of you has the power to transform your body and life, and to achieve your greatest dreams.

Have you noticed that most weight loss programs on the market promote their products with messages such as: eat fewer calories than you burn; exercise more; eat low carb, no carb, high protein, low protein? We saw the Atkins craze explode overnight and then disappear the next day. These diet fads have been coming and going for the last 50 years. For you to lose weight and keep it off forever you have to have a bigger vision than just to lose weight. You have to be part of something that will change the world. It has to be about more than just you; it has to become about helping create a healthy nation. People are only truly motivated when they have a greater vision, and a strong enough why.

If you and I can think it, we can create it; we can and we will create a healthy nation. The truth is, one person, one city, or one country cannot beat this weight epidemic alone. But together, we can create something much bigger, deeper, and more powerful than just the next diet book or weight loss fad.

Human behavior studies have proven that people are much more motivated to achieve something when they are competing in a challenge. That is why shows like The Biggest Loser are so successful. Most hit reality TV shows involve some kind of challenge, with a reward at the end. I finally got tired of everyone watching people on TV shows like The Biggest Loser get results and cheer the winners on, while the rest of the nation sits on the couch and gains weight.

The only real winners are the ones on the shows.

In this challenge, you will learn the most important aspects of losing weight and keeping it off forever. The first steps may be familiar, but weight loss books on the market either do not teach them or do not go into enough depth. That’s why most of these diet books and weight loss programs do not work. Sure, they can help you lose weight, but they don’t help you keep it off forever. When you combine all these steps together, it is by far the most powerful way on the planet to lose weight.


My goal is not just to help you lose weight. My goal is to show you how to keep it off for the rest of your life. My promise to you now is, I will be your weight loss and health coach for the rest of your life. That’s why they call me “the people’s guru,” because I care about one thing, and that is helping you add many healthy years to your life.

Here is the secret formula for long-term weight loss success. What makes this program truly unique is that I am one of the leading experts in personal achievement and one of the leading experts in the weight loss industry. When you combine the two together, personal achievement and weight loss, you get something that is extremely powerful

—the missing link in the weight loss industry. Most of the gurus in the weight loss industry are just trained in one thing, weight loss. They are not experts in personal achievement, so a lot of the programs just do not work.

Step one

In-depth personal achievement

The only way to lose weight and keep it off forever is to learn how to change your behaviors. You have to change the way you think and act, and change the behaviors that you have been engaging in over and over again for years.

This is by far the most important step. Exercising more and eating fewer calories does not work unless you first change the way you have been doing things. We all know that we have to exercise and eat healthy, so why can’t we get ourselves to do it on a consistent basis? It’s what’s going on in our inner world that creates our outer world. In each chapter, we go in-depth and change thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that have been holding you back from success for years. This is the only way to lose weight and keep it off forever. I will give you lots of strategies that will help you in all areas of your life. When you’re done with this book, you will be a completely different person.


Step two

Motivation through challenge

Motivation through chal enge goes a long way. As human beings, from a young age we’re motivated to compete. It has been proven that we have a far greater chance of succeeding at weight loss when we are part of some kind of challenge. A challenge will push you and those around you to a new level. Once I teach you how to create a strong enough why, and you combine that with a challenge, the chance of long-term success in your change initiative increases 100 percent.

Step three

Reach out and help someone

Select the person or people you wil take the challenge with. This is an extremely important step that will keep you motivated to follow through. I disagree with the statement that in order to help others, you first must help yourself. When you reach out and help someone else take this challenge, you will be automatically helping yourself.

You will gain motivation and strength, and have the ability to improve your own situation at the same time. Even if someone lives in a different city, reach out to them and take the challenge together. You can keep track of each other by Internet and phone.

Step four

Share the challenge

Being part of something that can change the world will give you a massive amount of motivation. You must understand that one person can make a huge difference.

Everyone needs to feel a sense of belonging, and to feel that you can really make a difference in the world and help people. You are now part of something much bigger and more powerful than just losing weight or reading another diet book. You have the power to help change the world and many people’s lives through competing and sharing in this challenge.


Step five

Personal achievement and exercise combined

Now to the exercise portion. This is what every weight loss book focuses on: You have to exercise more and change your diet. We have heard this over and over. But without the first four steps above, very few of these programs will ever give you long-term results. I have developed one of the most effective and efficient exercise programs on the planet for you to achieve your ideal, healthy weight. We all know we need to exercise, but the problem is committing to doing it day after day. I will teach you the secrets that will help you stay with it for the rest of your life, and give you long-term results. The main reason I want you to implement exercise for the rest of your life is not just to be lean, but to add many healthy years to your life, and enjoy a great quality of life as you get older.

Step six

Eat to live

This is the eating portion of the program. I’m going to teach you how to eat healthy. My goal is not to put you on a diet, because diets don’t work. When I lost 65 pounds, I did not go on a diet. That’s why I have been able to keep it off. I am going to show you how to integrate healthy eating into your lifestyle so it just becomes a part of your everyday routine. Most diets are not designed to become a part of your everyday routine for the rest of your life.

And over time, many of these diets are likely to damage your health.

We are going to change negative patterns that you have likely been practicing for years and years, such as going from one diet to the next. First you lose the weight, then you gain it back, then you lose it, then you gain it back again. My goal in this food section is to show you how you can add many healthy years to your life, and increase your quality of life while reducing your waistband. This eating plan will even help you slow down the aging process. Now do I have your attention?


This program is more of a lifestyle program than it is a weight loss program. It is important for you to understand why you’re engaged in a daily battle with excess weight.

You’re overweight because of your overall lifestyle, not just because you eat too much and don’t exercise enough.

Welcome to our 90-day challenge!

1. Find at least one person to take this challenge with you. If you don’t have a partner, you can still be part of the challenge, but I highly suggest that you have a partner. If you can get more than one partner, go for it! The more, the merrier.

2. Read at least one chapter per day; more if you would like.

3. Stand in front of the mirror naked.

We’re not doing this to make you feel bad about yourself. I just want you to start to be honest with yourself. Assess where you are right now, and realize that you are not a bad person because you are overweight. I want you to love yourself the way you are right now, and I want you to get excited about the changes that you are going to make.

As you look in the mirror, realize that we all have different body structures. When you get to your ideal, healthy weight, most likely, you’re not going to look like a celebrity or a supermodel. Get comfortable with yourself, and accept that no two people are the same.

Look in the mirror and say, “I love myself.” 4. Measure yourself, but don’t focus on the scale.

Studies have shown that your weight is not the most important concern; your waist circumference matters more. Just because every celebrity worries about his or her weight does not mean it’s the right way to do things. Remember this pro-xiii

gram is all about changing your thinking, and giving you completely new ways to do things. We’re going to focus on measuring your waist, rather than measuring your weight. It is important for you to realize that, due to where your organs are, belly fat is the most dangerous. You will measure your waist every week. You can take one peek at the scale when you start, just to give you a baseline. Then, you will only check on day 15, day 30, day 45, day 60, day 75, and day 90. That’s seven trips to the scale in three months. You don’t need to be running to the scale daily to check your weight. It’s not that important. And I am going to teach you how to build some muscle to burn more body fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. That’s one more good reason not to focus on the scale.

5. Most of us are so conditioned to track our progress with a scale, we don’t even realize that being a slave to it is not working. You need to track your overall health. How many healthy years are you going to add to your lifespan? Take your blood pressure to see where you really are in terms of overall health. Your normal blood pressure should be at an optimum level of 115/76. First, take your reading three times a day: once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and again in the evening.

Taking the average of all three readings will give you an accurate measurement. Don’t take your blood pressure for 30 minutes after you work out, when it will be higher. After the initial reading, you should check your blood pressure once per month to measure your progress. If your blood pressure is high, you may need to track it daily.

6. Start an exercise routine that works with your schedule. See exercise section.

7. Review the diet and eating sections, and go shopping. If you’re taking the challenge with one or more partners, shop together.


8. Measure and weigh yourself.

9. Take a photo of yourself, so you can compare the before and after shots.

10. Sign a contract to yourself, and hang it where you can see it every day.

11. Get a journal or notebook, and journal daily.

12. Find a picture of the exact body you would like to have. Make sure the person in the picture has a similar body structure to yours. Put this picture in front of you every time you work out.

13. Put an elastic band around your wrist. To reinforce healthy eating habits, snap yourself with the elastic band when you are making bad food choices.

Do this every day until the challenge is over. Use it when you need to after the challenge has ended.

14. Reward yourself with small rewards at the end of each week, but only if you have followed though.

The top three winners will receive a personal reward from Shane Jeremy James. See rules for what you need to do to qualify to win prizes.

First prize will be an all expense paid trip for you and one other person to a secret location for a weekend of relaxation and fun. Shane Jeremy James will be joining you, so you will continue to learn many new secrets on how to become more successful.

Why are personal rewards so important?

Relying on self-discipline is not always enough. If you want to lose weight, you need a strong personal incentive. Why?

Because a good incentive reminds you that you are doing something you want to do, not something you have to do.

A good incentive helps you to stay on track when you encounter temptation. Ideally, find a totally selfish reason to reach your ideal, healthy weight, a concrete benefit to look forward to. And keep reminding yourself of it, every day.


Rules to win the challenge

Take before and after pictures.

Write down your starting weight and measurements, and your ending weight and measurements.

Take the challenge for 12 consecutive weeks.

Write about how this experience has had an impact on your life.

Send us your before and after pictures, and your starting and ending weight and measurements, along with your write-up on how this experience has changed your life, and we will select our winners.

How to keep you and your challenge

partner(s) motivated:

Shop together weekly for healthy groceries.

Schedule a time each day to do the exercises together. If you can’t be together, check in with your partner to make sure they do their exercise routine that day.

Pay a dollar each time you miss a workout.


Measure and weigh

Day 1 __________

Day 45 _________

Measure your waist

Total weight.

circumference and total


Day 50 _________

Measure your waist

Day 5 __________


Measure your waist


Day 55 _________

Measure your waist

Day 10 _________


Measure your waist


Day 60 _________

Measure your total

Day 15 _________


Total weight.

Day 65 _________

Day 20 _________

Measure your waist

Measure your waist



Day 70 _________

Day 25 _________

Measure your waist

Measure your waist



Day 75 _________

Day 30 _________

Total weight.

Total weight.

Day 80 _________

Day 35 _________

Measure your waist

Measure your waist



Day 85 _________

Day 40 _________

Measure your waist

Measure your waist



Day 90 _________

Measure your waist

circumference and total




Think, Act, Love, Lose Weight