Step 1
Keep your eyes focused on
the ceiling so you don’t pull
on your neck. Curl up forward until your shoulders blades are lifted off the floor on the count of four.
Step 2
Lower back down to the floor.
Perform 10 reps.
Jumping JaCks
(hand- to- knee taps or skipping)
1 seT for 1 minuTe
Step 1
Stand with your feet together, arms at sides, jump about hip width apart to shoulder
Step 2
Jump back and lower arms to starting position and repeat
Visualize: Take 5 minutes to cool down and visualize the person you want to become. Envision the body you’re going to have and the feelings you have inside. Keeping moving at a slow pace.
Think, Act, Love, Lose Weight
I am now a completely different
woman. My confidence level has
never been higher ever in my life.
There are so many of Shane’s
teachings that I use in all areas of
my life, not just for weight loss. I now have the ability to stay motivated every day. The quality of my life
and relationships is at an all-time
high. This was exactly the program
I needed to keep the weight off for-
ever. Finally I have stopped going
from diet to diet.
- Tracy
Shane teaches the mind-side of
weight loss and fitness in a com-
prehensive, straight forward man-
ner that makes success effortless!
He provides the missing piece that
most fitness professionals never
address. Thanks Shane for guar-
anteeing my success!”
- Laura
Shane has given me the missing
link - the mind. It really has to be
a 3 part strategy to take off the
weight and keep it off. Thanks
to Shane, I now have in my mind
the strategies, anchors and the
pictures to keep my weight off for-
ever. I have been able to give my-
self permission to learn how to love
myself. This book is a must for any-
body who wants to lose weight and
- Penny