Think, Act., Love, Lose Weight by Shane Jeremy James - HTML preview

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Chapter 8: Exercise For Life


CirCuit 4

repeaT CirCuiT

3 Times

forwarD lunge

Step 1

Hold weights in each hand. Step

forward with your left leg, leading

with your heel.

Step 2

Make sure your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your right thigh is perpendicular to it. Do not lower yourself to 90 degrees. Have your legs in a 45- to 60-degree angle.

Your right heel will slightly lift off the floor. Remember to push off the ball of your foot, step back into starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

Perform 10 reps.

laTeral shoulDer raise

Step 1

Stand straight up with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms hanging to your sides. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms turned toward your body. Keeping your arms

straight, lift weights out to your sides until they are parallel to the ground.

Step 2

Lower your arms back to the starting position.

Perform 10 reps.

Think, Act, Love, Lose Weight


Jumping JaCks

(hand- to- knee taps or skipping)

1 seT for 1 minuTe

Step 1

Stand with your feet together, arms at sides, jump about hip width apart to shoulder

Step 2

Jump back and lower arms to starting position and repeat

One minute rest between circuits. Visualize the body you would like to have and the new person you are going to become.

CirCuit 5

repeaT CirCuiT

3 Times

Dumbbell ChesT fly

Step 1

Lie on your body ball with your feet placed firmly on the floor. Place dumbbells over your chest with your arms extended toward the ceiling and both palms facing each other. You can use a workout bench.

Step 2

Slowly lower the weight to the side of your chest on the count of four. Raise the weight again in an arc, and back to starting position on the count of four.

Perform 10 reps.