Workouts for Women Lose Weight, Feel and Look Good with Hypnolates


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Pages: 73

Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description

Workouts for Women, Lose Weight, Feel and Look Good with Hypnolates It's about you getting in touch with the lovable & beautiful, real you. Workouts for Women can help you "once and for all" connect mind, body and spirit in a holistic way. Encouraging you to experience the most beautiful world; for you and those around you. Hypnolates is the secret of feeling beautiful and stronger from the inside. Letting your inner light - "light you up" to be a shining reflection on the outer world. That light is an energy source for your body shape, love for life, food cravings, exercise routine and healing. Letting you experience blissful thoughts and positive healing running through your body. I encourage you to love your body to your ideal weight, caring for your feelings, the food that you eat, the exercise that you do and over all I would like to uplift you to have the most fantastic experience in life. Dear reader; this books is meant to...

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Reader Reviews
  • User image   Gun Dam
    13 Aug 2011
    whats with the random and simultaneous usage of different tenses in the same paragraph, sometimes even the same line?
  • User image   Kent Cleek
    15 Feb 2010
    i don't know who rated this book, but if it takes 10 pages for you to realize this is a ridiculous attempt at being called a book, i would be surprised, It doesn't even seem like the author can speak english, and it is honestly worse than a sixth grade attempt at a short story. It might be worth reading just to laugh at how horrible it is, and it wont take long, because there are only about 40 words on each page.
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