Yoga for Your Health by Ana - HTML preview

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Constipation and indigestion


THOSE who are masters of the science of Yoga refer to constipation as the mother of all diseases’, and so many of the most important Yoga asanas aim at improving elimination and the digestive processes and, consequently, the health of the entire organism.


Among these exercises the ABDOMINAL LIFT is considered one of the most essential, not only for its physical values, but also for the way it influences our spiritual development by ridding the body, and therefore the mind, of impurities. Not only does the constant practice of it bring relief from chronic constipation and indigestion but it also strengthens flabby abdominal muscles and so improves the figure. But before attempting the ABDOMINAL LIFT it is advisable for beginners to spend the first two or three days limbering up the muscles with the following contracting and relaxing movements known as UDDIYANJ,


Stand with the feet about twelve inches apart, inhale slowly and deeply and exhale with a good deal of force. Without inhaling again, pull in the abdominal muscles with  a strong upward movement until a hollow forms under the ribs. Hold for two seconds.


Relax the muscles, pull in again and relax again. Repeathis two or three times in quick successive movements, still without inhaling, and then relax. Do not overdo these movements at first, and remember that the accent is on the pulling in movement rather than on the letting go.


Yoga exercises must be done while the stomach, bladder, and if possible the bowels are empty. First thing in the morning or last thing at night is convenient for most people but the time of day does not matter too much so long as the stomach is empty.


Allow at least four hours after a heavy meal, two hours after a light meal, and half an hour after a cup of tea or glass of fruit juice. Do not eat directly after exercising but wait at least half an hour. Be sure that nothing you wear fittightly, or restricts your movement in any way.After practicing UDDIYANI for two or three days try the ABDOMINAL LIFT.


Stand feet apart, inhale deeply and use force to expel as much air from the lungs as possible. Without inhaling again repeat the same upward and bacward pull of the abdominal muscles as though trying to make as large a hollow as possible under the ribs. And this time keep your muscles pulled in. Place your hands, palms down, on your thighs, bend your  knees a little and then slightly tip your trunk forward but without lowering it. You will find that your diaphragm then rises easily. Do keep your hands pressed firmly against your thighs when leaning on them. I ha