Yoga for Your Health by Ana - HTML preview

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Backache and aching legs due to bad posture


HAVE we not often admired the graceful and dignified carriage of the average Indian man and woman, the coltish grace of their brown-limbed children? There is no magical secret to this natural grace, it is simply that in the East there are two natural sitting positions which are adopted from early childhood. One of these is cross-legged, whether in the so-called tailor fashion or with the soles upturned, in the classical Lotus Posture. The other is on the haunches with the feet flat on the floor. This squatting pose is described in the previous chapter.


Americans complain that the cross-legged and squatting positions are unnatural and so they areto those who are used to sitting on chairs. But in the East they are so accustomed to sitting like that that they actually find it more comfortable than any other position. Years of sitting in these positions tends automatically to hold the spine in a naturally erect position, not rigidly straight as some people seem to think, but held with its natural curves in the right place. And so, in walking the spine is also held naturally and gracefully and this is the simple secret behind the superb carriage of the average Indian.


I do not for one moment expect the average American who reads this book to acquire the habit of sitting down in the Lotus Pose or even in one of the easier cross-legged poses. These positions should be included in the daily schedule of Yoga exercises and held for a limited time only unless you wish to proceed to the more contemplative forms of Yoga. The Lotus Posture, though graceful and serene in appearance is difficult and painful for the beginner and likewise the Half-Lotus position I have demonstrated on the cover.


However, there are three cross-legged poses which are not beyond the reach of the more supple among you, though I warn you that even quite young people in their early twenties sometimes have knees sstiff that they cannot sit cross-legged on the  floor.  I will describe these seated postures in turn, beginning with the LOTUS POSITION and you can try them for yourself.


1.     Lotus Position

The advantage of this position is that it forms a symmetrical and firm seat so that the Yogis, in states of deep spiritual trance, did not overbalance. Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched out, fe