Yoga for Your Health by Ana - HTML preview

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Lumbago and sciatica


IN the previous chapter I discussed backache and aching legs due to bad posture and long hours of standing. The antidote was based on limbering up the spine and keeping it supple, bending it this way and that to relieve tired muscles, and putting the feet up above the head to combat the pull and downward drag of gravity. The antidote in this chapter is based on toning up the sciatic nerve and the muscles of the lower back to relieve the pain of sciatica and lumbago.


The first Yoga asana I would like you to try combines the two processes. I warn you it is not one of the easier ones but because of its value you should persevere and try to master it. Yoga is a perpetual challenge for thinking people. Anything easily gained is lightly prized, so when you have mastered


THE FORWARD BEND or PASCHIMOTTANAS AN A you will feel that you have really achieved something. As usual I will describe the easiest variation first.


Forward Bend

Lie flat on your back, hands at your sides and feet together. Keeping your legs straight and your heels on the floor slowly raise your trunk from the waist until you are in a sitting position. Stretch out your arms, bend forward, and grasp your toes with your fingers. If you cannot reach your toes grasp your calves or ankles until you have limbered up your spine enough to be able to bend it more fully and reach your toes easily.


Bring your forehead down until you can press it against your knees. Did I hear you say impossible”. Most people say that but if you take a quick look at figure 20 you will see that it is not only entirely possible but actually rather easy when you can once do it. But your spine is too stiff at the moment is it not, to perform this kind of bending so be content, at this stage, to bring your forehead as close to your knees as you can even if this means only a slight inclination of your head. If you proceed slowly and gently you will find that your spine will gradually loosen up, your head will be able to go lower, and soon you will be able to press your face to your knees.


4. Remain in this position for as long as you comfortably can and then very slowly bring your arms down to your sides, straighten up, and lower your body to the floor again until you are in the starting position. Lie there and relax for a few moments and attempt the Paschimottanasana only once more. Twice a day is enough at first. As you gradually become used to this exercise try to extend the period when your head is on your knees in which case you need only perform this asana once.


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