Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Paranormal Journal Entry 4- Pushed Out of a Tree

Dear Journal,

Hey!! Miriam here back for another journal entry, this time this about an experience where I am pushed out of a tree by an unknown force. This happened like maybe a day or two after I saw the shadows on my wall. I could sense something in my room, my mood began to change, and I began acting strangely and I even remember doing things I can’t recall even now as an adult. I knew there was something evil in my room I could sense it in the pit of my stomach. Even my sister began acting weird too it beginning to affect her, I remember a specific time where it got so bad that my sister tried hurting herself and I remember busting into her room and stopping her and I stood there and I caught her with a knife to wrists about to cut herself, I’m not sure if she was hurting herself or she was attempting suicide and I just knew I had to stop her. I also remember my mother beginning to act strangely that started back when I started when I first got my gift. That day I recall going to play outside like I often did and there was a crap apple tree in my backyard it was my favorite tree to climb. I had started to climb to the tree, I go a little higher then all of a sudden I felt a hard, rough, push that sent me backwards, I felt myself falling backwards and I would’ve fallen to the ground and would have gotten hurt if it would’ve been for another unseen force pushing back into the tree, I believed to be my guardian angel.