Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Paranormal Journal Entry 5- Spirit of A Little Boy

Dear Journal,

Today is going to be a very sad entry for me, for I have seen something that will haunt me. There is nothing worse when a spirit of a child comes to you. Its, heart breaking and very sad. But what’s worse is I think this child might have been murdered which tears me up. Every day I take my morning walk in the woods like I do every day and today I decided to a little exploring. I was walking on of the trails and that day I had been searching for morels because those types of edible mushrooms were common in our woods and I thought I could find some there. There is an area I saw was so pretty it was an area of wildflowers, and a pretty little stream running through the woods, it kind reminded me of my old woods in which I played as a young child. As I thought this area would be perfect to find morel mushrooms and I was I right I had found the motherload of morels. The trail had led to an opening in the woods that went to the road, I followed this trail and what I found s was umm… well a little disturbing. There on the ground I saw child’s clothes it and the clothes looked tiny like for a toddler maybe a little older. I looked at the clothes and my heart sunk into my stomach. As I go to checkout the stream something caught my eye right there by the clothes stood a spirit of a little boy. I saw him just standing there staring at me then he moves closer to me as he gets closer, he grabs my hand; there’s a flash and I see a man standing over the little and hitting with a rock over and over. The little boy fought for his life he bit, scratched and kicked his attacker but he too weak to fight back. Then as the killer takes one last blow to that little boy’s head, he looked at me and smiled evilly as if he was happy and satisfied with what he did. I stood there watching the lifeless body of this precious child I began to cry for him, I fell to my knees and just cried. After seeing that horrific murder I didn’t know what to say or think? How could somebody kill another person’s child like that? It was so brutal, it crushed me. How could someone take away a lift like that and feel no remorse, no nothing. I couldn’t understand. That little boy was somebody’s child and there probably out there right now looking for that sweet little boy. After seeing what I saw the boy let go of my hand and he looked at me and he looked so sad and hopeless. This little boy missed his parents and family and it was so unfair that his was ripped away from and he was taken away from his family. I felt so worthless now, I wanted to help this little boy my heart went to him, here is reaching out to me and I don’t know what to do. I didn’t know much about crossing over spirits at least not yet. As I stand there just watching the little boy, he raises his hand to me, and waves and he disappeared. After that experience I never talked about to it to anyone, it still haunts me to this very day and little did I know that this precious little one would come back and visit me again.