Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Paranormal Journal Entry 6- Man In The Woods

Dear Journal,

This my sixth entry and things around my woods are getting creepy, I can feel something strange in the woods it makes my hair stand on end and it gives me the goosebumps, I can feel the evil seeping out the woods. Normally, I love the woods it’s full of life and beauty, and nature surrounding it. The woods are normally calming to me and a place where I can find peace and serenity but lately it feels wrong. Whatever it is I feel it my gut, my senses were going crazy, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. On this day, I ate breakfast had my coffee and went out for my daily walk and as I go walk to the trail the minute I step into the woods I can feel the evil the woods felt strange and that day it was eerily quiet. Which isn’t normal because there is always animals or birds around. I continue to walk the down the trail trying to take in the beauty around me. As I’m walking I my senses begin to go crazy, I get the goosebumps, my hair stands on end and I feel something in the pit of my stomach. I moved on but I was cautious looking all the around me just looking around to see if I see what was around. I turned right down the trail that led to the big logging road that we now used as a walking trail, its steep long road. I make my way down the trail being very careful and to slip because the trail had been muddy after it rained the night the before. I moved down the trail, I’m about in the middle of the trail when see something out of the corner of my eye: I see man standing by a tree he’s wearing a trucker cap, plaid shirt jeans, and work boots, I get this feeling dread and evil. He raised his hand wiggled his finger as if he were signaling me to come him. There was something about this man that screamed evil I turned around and I ran up the trail as fast as I could without slipping, I kept looking behind me to see if was chasing me. He was not far up the trail and he was coming after me. Now at this point I didn’t know if this man was real, was he a ghost? I just knew that he was bad my instinct was to run. I ran up the trail and he’s right on my tail, I run faster he reaches out and grabs my shoulder, I scream. He tries to pull me to him; I pull away from him. I yell out. “You’re not welcome here, ghost be gone!” Just as fast as here appeared he was gone just as quickly. I run the rest of the way home and I ran in the house to my mother what happened, she didn’t believe me. My mother had a friend over and she pulled me aside and asked me what happened and I told her everything and she believed me. Later on, I learned that this man I saw was a murderer and apparently, he took his own life after a killing a young girl.