Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Paranormal Journal Entry 8- The Cracks

Dear Journal,

It’s about a couple days after me seeing the man in the woods and things in the woods are getting stranger at night the woods are creepier than the day but accept now things were about to get even stranger. I told myself I’d never walk in the woods alone after the past couple experiences I went through I felt pretty traumatized even for a medium, I’m new to this so seeing this stuff for the first time was scary and I didn’t know what to expect. I wanted to try and go into the woods again mostly to face whatever I had seen but I wasn’t going alone, I had asked my mother to go with me. She had agreed to go with me so after lunch we to a walk as we did sometimes. The woods felt weird to me that day and they seemed even creepier than normal, to me it felt like something was off. We made our way to the big trail that led down into the valley. We walked carefully down the trail and made to the base of the woods. All around us there were humongous cracks in the ground and to me it felt evil. I placed my hand over the cracks I could feel extreme heat and that the woods were creepy and misty, making the woods look haunted. We walked around looking at the cracks they were everywhere it literally looked like we had an earthquake it was so bad. My mom and looked at each other not knowing what to say. I knew what it was, those cracks were bad, I just feel it. There were cracks that went from one spot of the valley to the other, they were long, and wide, and if fell in you’d definitely get hurt. I could feel evil around me I could feel it seeping out of the ground. Not knowing what to think my mother and told my father who honestly didn’t know what to say and my mom and even showed him the cracks. I remember the day we had geological scientists come out and check out the cracks and their conclusion were that those cracks in the ground were scientific. I didn’t believe it, I knew that those cracks weren’t geological, or scientific, I knew those cracks were supernatural. My gut and my sixth sense were telling me otherwise. I as a medium believe that demons or the devil himself formed those cracks in the ground and they had run of those woods and I still believe it to this very day.