Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Paranormal Journal Entry 9- Strange Happenings

Dear Journal,

I fear things in my house are getting worse, I can feel a presence that wasn’t there but is around keeping itself hidden. It’s beginning to affect me and I don’t like it. I begin acting strangely doing things I wouldn’t normally do and having no recollection of doing it. It started off with mood swings and I was going through puberty at the time but it so much more than that. I began lying to my parents, I became angrier and mean, I would feel weird. It was only affecting me it began affecting my parents as well and times my grandmother too who was living with us at the time, it even affected my dog. Now during this time there were no signs of activity in the house, no knocking, no noises, nothing. I believed to be demon oppression, but it more too. I don’t know I felt like something was around it was keeping itself hidden from me as if it knew I was a medium. My mother was affected too but I feared whatever this entity was had already not been affecting her but been attached to her for years and it is rearing its ugly head. There two different incidents in where there been some type of strange happenings. One time I remember my parents were fighting and for some reason I was putting my nose in where it didn’t belong and I standing there watching my parents fight when all of a sudden I saw my father’s eyes go black, he had been possessed and then his eyes went back to normal. Now this the first time I have seen this happen and if I wouldn’t have seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have seen for myself I never would have believed it. It was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen and sadly it wasn’t going to be my last. The next incident happened the night after, my parents and gone out the night and left me to watch over my grandmother. We had just finished dinner which I think might have been leftovers and I was doing the dishes and my grandmother was helping me when I started hearing strange noises coming from my dog. When I mean strange noises, I mean like he was acting funny, he as somehow different. Now my dog is a happy dog and sometimes bad as much as I loved him, he also ran away a lot. He’d chase after anything that came into our yard, one day he ran into the woods and down into the woods that led into our valley and when my mother went I got him I swear to you that when he came back he was different. That night when I was with my grandmother he was acting funny, I went to go and pet him like I often did and he was growling not a normal dog growl, it was more guttural and deep, it was scary and as I’m watching him his eyes went black just like my father’s did. Seeing my dog be possessed like that was terrifying. I never told my parents what happened that night and my grandmother and I shared a secret she took to her grave.