Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Paranormal Journal Entry 10-Unseen Forces

Dear Journal,

I’m now an adult I’m in my twenties and my family and I have moved yet again and we are now back in Ohio, we found a nice house in Medina with a huge backyard with tons of land and a pond. Now when we moved into the house all was quiet and peaceful. I didn’t get a sense of anything evil in the house no signs of activity at all. At the time I thought all was well, little did I know that was about to change. You see sometimes when there are entities that are in your house, they don’t always make themselves known right away, sometimes it’s days, weeks, or even years. I began developing migraines, I developed depression and anxiety, and things got worse for me. Whatever entity was in my house was focused on me; I was the center of its attention. This incident happened when I was about twenty-two and in the process of moving out of my parents’ house. It was a normal day my mother had still been sleeping because she had “issues” and my father was at work. I was moving boxes up to the attic, I walked up the first four steps about to step on the landing and then out of nowhere I could pushed hard by an unseen force, for a second I could feel evil surround me and I knew something was in that attic I just couldn’t see it, I felt it was keeping itself hidden. I felt myself fall backwards and I half expected to fall in the hallway having the carpet brace my fall and of sudden I felt something push me back from behind pushing me back onto the stairs where I was able to get a better footing, once I turned around I ran down the stairs and went into the room where I sat on my bed and cried, as I sit on my bed a bright light is coming from the hallway, now I just want to say for the record this happened in day time and no lights were in my house at this time and the light I saw was a heavenly light. I see a bright light coming from the hallway it’s so bright I had to see what it was, I wipe the tears from my eyes into the hallway and there in front of me stood a little angel girl and was around four or five years old. Now mind you during this time my sister had a miscarriage and I swear that those two events are somehow connected. I saw the little girl she was wearing a white dress and she was so beautiful and I felt a bond, a connection with this little angel girl and right then and there I knew that this little angel child was my niece. I just felt it, I knew. I felt so much love, and comfort, and peace at the moment and I felt so blessed, I couldn’t believe that my niece was the guardian angel that saved me. I think about incident a lot, and I think about my niece and how grateful I am to her and I still cry when I think about her and to this very day, she still protects me.