Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Paranormal Journal Entry 15- Return Of The Little Boy Spirit

Dear Journal,

Do you remember my entry of the spirit of the little boy I entered in my journal not so long ago? I think he might be back; I don’t know for certain. I have feeling it might be him. There is faint smell of bubble gum and not just any bubble gum it was the smell of Big Chew. The smell was so strong and it was all around me, my senses began picking something up, my hair stood on end I got goosebumps. I could feel a presence in my backyard, the first thing I did was ask my kids if they smelled bubble gum too, they both said yes. At first, I didn’t see anything I just felt it, so I closed my eyes and I put out reached out my hand trying to get a sense of who this ghost was. I see this little boy dressed up in the same clothes, the ones that I found lying on the ground back at my old house in the woods where he appeared to me. This precious little boy came to visit to me again, when I saw him, I was so happy, and so was he, he had an ear to ear smile.

Gosh it was great to see him smile that the last time I saw him he looked so sad and miserable. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around me, I could feel his cold arms around me. Believe it or not this spirit had a connection with me, this boy had stolen my heart. For him to come back and see me was absolutely amazing. I didn’t even figure he’d ever come back, don’t get me wrong I wanted to see this little boy again but a part me was hoping he’d find peace and was able to move on. Seeing how he died would make him a restless, earthbound spirit. That little boy wanted justice for himself and for his family. I looked online, I had done my research, I tried to figure who killed this little boy but I never got anywhere with it. I felt awful, I wanted to help this little and his family. I felt stuck, I felt like I let this little boy down. I guess to this little boy it didn’t matter him, I guess he was looking for a friend, someone to connect with and for some reason he chose me. This spirit stuck with me part of the day, following me around. I remember taking a long walk with my kids and dog and this little spirit grabbed my hand and I could actually feel his hand in mine, and not only did he hold my hand he held my kids’ hands too. He loved being a part of my family even though it was for a short time. I remember coming home and before coming into the house, the little boy said goodbye and I saw a bright light, and I watched him walk into it. That little boy never found justice for him or his parents but at least he found peace at last.