Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

Paranormal Journal Entry 18- William

Dear Journal,

Today is a lovely day in September and I am out walking with my kids and dog as we often died and we are crossing the street and we cross the street and we thought come across some blood, now we live in the city and it’s not the safest but to see this was alarming not only for me but for me kids as well too. I had placed my hand on the ground and touched the blood to see if I could to a sense of what happened and what I saw was traumatic I saw a man in an apartment and he was being stabbed repeatedly, this scared the living snot out of me. My senses were going crazy and at that point I could feel someone around but it hadn’t revealed itself yet. I remember talking to my kids about it and they weren’t even scared about they more curious and wanted to know what happened. After our walk we went home and I grabbed my phone and I looked recent murders in Euclid and an article had come up about a recent stabbing in Euclid, someone had broken into a guy named William (not sure of his last name) this guy broke into his apartment and stabbed him. The scary thing is this stabbing was not that far from our house, it was within walking distance, Not long after I looked this up I was sitting outside with my kids I began feeling pain in my head and back and this wasn’t my normal pain this was different. The guy that died, William was showing me how he died and I was feeling his pain. I was hurting really bad, to the point I was in tears. After the pain subsided, apparently, he showed me the knife that he was killed with. The image of the knife was so clear that I literally draw it. When reading the article, the police who did the investigation never found the knife that killed William. William wanted justice for him and his wife. But something more going on at the apartment, I could feel it, something evil there. I had to go to the apartments where it happened. I took my kids we took a bike ride, we never went to actual apartment building where it happened but I stood across the street, I closed my eyes and I was there in the apartment and see something big and black moving around, it scared me. It almost like a deep, dark, black mist, it more than that. I prayed on it asking God what to do. He showed me right then and there. I put a blessing on the apartment, and I told William I was sorry I couldn’t help him in the way he needed to be helped, it turned he feared of what was in apartment with his wife he didn’t get justice for what happened to him. I still felt bad, I wanted to help in some way I guess I did, I remember one night taking out my dog to go potty and William came to me and I heard his voice and he said “Thank you”. I remember feeling so good after that, I still felt bad. I was out with my kids were out to a park and we were chilling on the beach and I was taking pictures that day and in the sky was a cloud in the shape of a guardian angel and I knew right then who it was, I knew it was William and ever since that day he watches over and keeps me safe. I think of him every now again and I cry. I pray to God that he will get his justice. l I looked all week to see if I could find any articles about William and what happened, I never found anything.